Barge Information

The Bald Head Island Limited, LLC barge is available for carrying cargo, vehicles, supplies, and equipment to the island.  The barge departs from the Deep Point Marina (1301 Ferry Road). Reservations for both to and from the island are required.  It is recommended that reservations be made at least two weeks in advance, especially if returning the same day.  Cancelations must be made at least 24 hours in advance to avoid getting charged the full rate. The Barge Office is open from 7:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. daily and is located near the contractor parking lot, which is located off Ferry Road, it is the last road on the right before getting to the Fort Fisher Ferry landing.  No passengers are permitted aboard the barge.  Drivers of trucks are permitted as “Persons in Addition to the Crew” per the US Coast Guard Certificate of Inspection.”  Drivers only.  No passengers.

Consumption of alcoholic beverages or possession of open containers is prohibited on the barge.

Please note that if you are bringing an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicle to the island that an ICE permit is required to use the Village maintained roads, and there are restrictions on hours of operation, size of vehicles and trailers, and certain areas of the island where ICE vehicles cannot travel.  The next section covers the details of these restrictions and what is needed to receive an ICE permit.  If you miss the barge for any reason, you must report to Contractor Services to arrange overnight parking.  To return to the mainland you will take the contractor or passenger ferry back to Deep Point Marina.

Please visit or call 910-457-5205 for information on rates, general information, and current schedules.  The barge typically runs Monday through Friday with the last barge leaving the island at 3:00 p.m. Weather may affect operations of the barge (heavy wind, fog, etc.).