Annual Budget
FY26 Budget Preparation
The Village of Bald Head Island’s budget process begins with the annual retreat. During the annual retreat, the Village Council hears from department heads, the Village’s contractors such as its shoreline engineering firm, governmental affairs consultants, the Bald Head Island Conservancy, and other subject matter experts on topics relevant to BHI. Then the Council discusses its priorities for the coming year. This year’s annual retreat occurred on February 3 & 4, 2025. You can view the items discussed at the retreat on our YouTube channel HERE.
After the retreat, department heads work on their budgets based on feedback received at the retreat. Below is the budget schedule the Council agreed to at the February 3 and 4, 2025, retreat.
Public Meetings on FY26 Budget
Links to the Public Notices, Zoom info, and Agenda will be posted below for each Budget Workshop/Public Hearing.
All public notices for these meetings can be
found online HERE (they must be posted 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting time).
If you would like to receive
these notices via email, please send an email
to the Village Clerk (email) with the words
“Sunshine List” in the subject line.
All public meetings are broadcast via Zoom,
that information is posted HERE.

Many of the items above are for internal purposes and are deadlines for department heads (DH’s) to provide particular information to the Finance Director.
- Annual Retreat Video
- Annual Retreat Recap (coming soon)
- Annual Retreat Minutes (will be posted in March).
All minutes of public meetings related to the budget and Village’s Voice announcements about the budget will be posted here.
Please submit budget inquiries to Village Staff at this email or call (910) 457-9700 ext. 1025.
Please submit your comments to the Village Council by emailing
Email the Mayor & Council