Annual Golf Cart/Electric Vehicle Registration Renewal

I would like my annual registration sticker mailed to the address I have provided (a new cart sticker is not needed).

I hereby acknowledge my responsibility to affix my renewal sticker on the specific cart indicated in this document.   I understand that I am solely responsible for this action and failure to do so prior to the specified cart operating on Bald Head Island will result in a citation.

I would like to pick up my annual registration sticker at the Department of Public Safety.

I hereby acknowledge my responsibility to affix my renewal sticker to the specific cart indicated in this document. I understand that I am solely responsible for this action and failure to do so prior to the specified cart operating on Bald Head Island will result in a citation.

I hereby attest that the insurance policy I provide is current and valid and will remain in effect through the duration of the registration year.  I further attest that registration information I provide is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.


For your convenience, Proof of Insurance can be faxed to 1-910-304-6088
Processing time may take up to 48 hours.