Beach Regulations

  • Dunes are the Village’s first line of defense from storms and hurricanes.  Walking on the dunes compromises the integrity of the dune and the vegetation holding the sand in place and is not permitted per Village ordinance (Sec. 10-122).
  • Village ordinance prohibits walking (or fishing) on the jetty extensions at the harbor entrance and on the terminal groin. These rocks are dangerous because they are slippery. Feet and legs can easily become wedged between the large boulders (Sec. 16-54).
  • Beach equipment (tents, canopies, chairs, etc.) must be removed from the beach between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. year around.  Equipment shall be at least 10 feet away from any sea turtle nest or dune vegetation. (Sec. 10-165).
  • Sea turtle nests are marked with wooden posts, tape, and signage, and should be avoided. The Village is a sea turtle sanctuary and the BHI Conservancy works diligently to protect sea turtles.  Per Village ordinance “it shall be unlawful for any person to willfully take any sea turtle or to take any action that may or will disturb or destroy any sea turtle, including but not limited to green, hawksbill, Kemp’s ridley, loggerhead, and leatherback turtles, their nests, hatchlings, or eggs within the sea turtle sanctuary. (Sec. 4-480).”
  • It shall be unlawful for any individual to illuminate, by artificial light, any portion of the beach within the confines of the village between the hours of sunset and sunrise from May 1 through October 31 except by such frequencies of red light as to not disturb nesting or hatchling sea turtles. (Sec. 10-83 (a)).
  • Village ordinance requires that any dog on the beach be physically restrained from sunset to sunrise every day during turtle season (May 1 – November 15).  Pet owners must also clean up pet waste (most public beach accesses have waste bag dispensers). Violation of this ordinance carries a fine of up to $500 (Sec. 4-521)
  • Village ordinance prohibits the possession and/or use of fireworks without a special permit by the county (Sec. 16-81).
  • Village ordinance prohibits the Public Safety Department from issuing open burning permits to individuals between May 1 and November 15 and at other times burning is allowed by permit only (Sec. 12-55 (c)).
  • Before having a dune crossover extended, repaired, or replaced, please get in touch with Stephen Boyett in Development Services via email, call 910-457-9700 ext. 1004, or stop by his office (at the Contractor Services building – 299 A Edward Teach Extension)