A Message from the Mayor
Bald Head Island is a dream and a privilege that can never be taken lightly. The natural beauty and quality of life must be tended and protected. Bald Head Island’s future depends on vision, hard work, and sensitive long-range planning to maintain its natural resources and shepherd its development. It is my mission, with the help of Islanders and all stakeholders, to ensure that our community remains a dream for our grandchildren and generations to come.
Over the course of my term, I plan to update Islanders on the many activities I will be working on. My quarterly messages will go to all Village’s Voice subscribers (subscribe here) and will be archived on this webpage below.
I will also be reaching out personally and through committees for help. I want to work with all interests on this special island. Please feel free to contact me at any time with your thoughts and concerns. The future can be brighter if we are working together.

Email: pquinn@villagebhi.org