
How to Coexist with Coyotes

Coyotes are non-native to North Carolina but have been documented on Bald Head Island since 2007. The Bald Head Island Conservancy has been including coyote population estimates in its annual Environmental Services Contract Report which is prepared for the Village of Bald Head Island highlighting its work for the Village.

Attacks on humans are very rare and seeing one should not be cause for alarm.  If you see a coyote frequently you may want to take the following steps to prevent future conflicts with them and other wildlife:

  • Coyotes and other wildlife scavenge trash.  Make sure that your trash bins are secure. It may be a good idea to put the trash out in the morning rather than leaving it out overnight.
  • Close off crawl spaces.
  • Don’t be intimidated when you see a coyote.  Maintain its wariness for people by throwing an object at it, making a loud noise, or spraying it with a hose.  Let it know that it is unwelcome near your home.
  • Don’t feed coyotes.  Doing so rewards them for being close to people.  Over time a coyote will lose its wariness of people and may become aggressive.
  • Keep your pets inside, leashed, or inside a fenced area.
  • Feed pets indoors only.
  • Use bird feeders that keep seeds off the ground.  If you see coyotes around remove your birdfeeders.
  • Clear fallen fruit from around trees.

Source: NC Wildlife Resources Commission