
Ticks are pests of humans, domestic animals, and wildlife in North Carolina. Ticks attach to living hosts and feed on the host’s blood.  This allows for the transmission of disease-causing bacteria and viruses that can cause Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease which are very serious conditions for humans.  Ticks are often found at ground level in shady areas that are moist and have overgrowth and weeds. Since BHI has a large number of areas with these conditions, we suggest that you take caution by taking the following measures:

  • Stay on clear paths and roads when possible. 
  • When possible, layer your clothing.  Tuck your pants into your socks and your shirttail into your pants.  Wearing light-colored clothing makes ticks easier to see.
  • Use insect repellant.
  • When you know you have been in an area that may have ticks, check your clothing and body for ticks at least twice a day.  The longer a tick is attached the greater the chances that disease-causing germs have been transmitted.

Click HERE for more information on ticks and how to remove them. 

Source: NC State Extension