BHITA Meeting Tomorrow AM, BHITA Update, Regular Council Meeting Friday

BHITA Meeting – The Bald Head Island Transportation Authority (BHITA) has requested that the Village make the following meeting access information available to the public for its meeting which will be held tomorrow, June 16, 2021, at 9:15 a.m.

Join by phone (dial or tap)

+12028602110,1616739635# US Toll
+442031988143,1616739635# UK Toll

Join with the following meeting link:

Click or tap to Join the meeting

Note: Change the audio connection type to “Call me” or “I will call in” to optimize audio quality.

Meeting Information

Meeting number (access code): 1616 73 9635
Meeting password: J2SeUax4V8c 

Join from a video conferencing system
Global call-in numbers

Please note that this line can be used to listen in to the meeting, but only persons appearing in-person at the meeting may address the board during the public hearing.

BHITA Update – As previously reported, the Local Government Commission (LGC) agreed to discuss and prepare a list of the Commissioners’ specific questions at the Commission’s June 1 meeting along with questions from other parties. At the June 1 meeting, the LGC directed staff to review the questions that were presented to the Commission in order to provide a recommendation as to the relevancy of the questions in supporting the Commission’s consideration of the BHITA’s proposed financing of the BHI ferry system. The LGC staff’s review of the questions was recently sent to the Village and can be viewed HERE.

Village Council Meeting – The Village Council will have its regular meeting on Friday, June 18, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will be held in the multi-purpose room in the Public Safety Building. The agenda will be posted online HERE. The meeting will include a public hearing for the FY22 budget.