Key Information:
- Governor Cooper announced Phase 2 to last until at least August 7, 2020
- Current case numbers for Brunswick County
Non-COVID-19 Related:
- REMINDER: Village Council Regular Meeting will take place on Friday, July 17, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.
NC will be in Phase 2 into August – North Carolina remains under the Phase 2 extension and will be in this phase until at least August 7, 2020, according to an announcement made by Governor Cooper yesterday. Under this phase, folks are encouraged to stay at home, especially vulnerable populations. Per the Governor’s Phase 2 Executive Order most folks must wear face coverings/masks in indoor and outdoor public places where social distancing is not possible. The Village strongly recommends that folks practice the 3 W’s while in public and to be courteous to others.
Current Case Numbers for Brunswick County – As of July 15, there are 865 positive cases of COVID-19 among Brunswick County residents. Of the positive cases, 392 are considered recovered, 451 are isolating at 365 different homes, twelve are isolating at a hospital, and ten are deaths associated to COVID-19.
There are 14 cases involving non-residents who tested positive for COVID-19 while visiting Brunswick County, resulting in their contacts having to quarantine as well; these cases are not reflected in the County’s total case counts. Eight of the cases are considered recovered, none of the cases are currently isolating at home or in a hospital. The County has transferred monitoring for three cases to the individuals’ home counties, and two are deaths associated to COVID-19.
Non-COVID-19 Related
REMINDER Council Meeting this Friday – The Village Council regular meeting will take place on Friday, July 17, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. This meeting will be held in the Public Safety Multipurpose Room. There will be limited seating available per Governor Cooper’s Executive Order and Phase 2 limitations. The Village’s Teleconference Line (1-855-369-0450 Pin 41787483) will be available for the public to use.
Public Comment will be allowed by emailing your comments to Daralyn Spivey, Village Clerk at Email comments will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. Thursday, July 16, 2020, for inclusion in the Meeting Packet. The agenda is posted HERE.