COVID-19 Update:
- NC will be in Phase 3 until at least November 13, 2020
- Current case numbers for Brunswick County
- Update from the County
- Village Council regular meeting tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.
- Voting in the 2020 election
- Drone flying
COVID-19 Update
NC Remains in Phase 3 until at least 11/13/2020 – North Carolina transitioned into Phase 3 on Friday, October 2, 2020, and was expected to be in this phase until at least October 23, 2020. Yesterday afternoon, Governor Cooper issued an executive order “pausing” the state in Phase 3 until at least November 13, 2020, unless he repeals, replaces, or rescinds his executive order by another executive order. Under this phase, vulnerable populations are still encouraged to stay at home. There were no changes in restrictions and per the Governor’s first Phase 3 Executive Order most folks still must wear face coverings/masks in indoor and outdoor public places where social distancing is not possible. FAQ’s about the first Phase 3 Executive Order can be found HERE.
In addition to announcing the extension of Phase 3, there was an announcement that the State sent a letter to 36 out of the state’s 100 counties with an increased viral spread. The letter urged local governments to continue to take action in fighting COVID-19 and suggested that they do the following to help mitigate the spread:
- Adopt an ordinance that imposes a civil penalty for violating its provisions.
- Issue a local Emergency Proclamation setting higher standards to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Support the local health director to issue and enforce an Imminent Hazard Abatement Order against entities whose actions, including failure to comply with the governor’s executive order, present an imminent hazard to your community.
Brunswick County was not one of the counties to receive the letter.
For more information regarding the trajectory of the state’s COVID-19 trends view the slides from yesterday’s briefing HERE.
Current Case Numbers for Brunswick County – As of October 22, 2020, there are 2,127 positive cases of COVID-19 among Brunswick County residents. Of the positive cases, 1,637 are considered recovered, 434 are isolating at home, 19 are isolating at a hospital, and 37 are deaths associated to COVID-19.
There are 17 cases involving non-residents who tested positive for COVID-19 while visiting Brunswick County, resulting in their contacts having to quarantine as well; these cases are not reflected in the County’s total case counts. Twelve of the cases are considered recovered, none of the cases are currently isolating at home. The County has transferred monitoring for three cases to the individuals’ home counties, and two are deaths associated to COVID-19.
Update from the County – Village staff participated in a conference call with Brunswick County and its partners earlier this week. The County reported that the percent positive rate has been in the 6-7 percent range and that there has been an uptick in cases to levels near where the County was in July. County health services indicated that the increase can be attributed to complacency, less mask wearing, and that folks are having more gatherings with people who are not in the same household. The gatherings will be more difficult to discourage as we approach the holiday season. The change in weather is also going to impact the transmission of COVID-19. More folks are going to be inside and in smaller spaces which leads to more transmission. The less humid weather dries out our passages and makes it easier for the virus to enter our bodies. The County is inspecting cases to continue to increase.
The State is in the planning stages for the distribution of a vaccine. When released, it will first go to health care workers and vulnerable populations. The County will be submitting numbers to the State for how many doses will be needed.
- Regular Council Meeting – The next regular Council Meeting will be tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. View the agenda HERE. If you wish to listen-in remotely call 1-855-369-0450 Pin 41787483.
- Voting in the 2020 Election – One-stop early voting started on October 15 and will be taking place through October 31. More information on early voting HERE. If voting absentee, you should not wait until the last minute to mail in your ballot since mail on the island can be delayed for a number of reasons. FAQs can be found HERE. Please contact the Brunswick County Board of Elections if you have further questions.
- Drone Flying – The project to map beach vitex will continue through the fall and should wrap-up before the holidays. More information HERE.