Last night, a special event fundraiser that was organized through the Public Service Auxillary (PSA) and other civic-minded Islanders, raised $250,000 for the non-profit organization. The event was attended by the Mayor, Andy Sayre, Village Manager, Chris McCall, Public Safety Director Alan May, and several of our Public Safety Officers who assisted in the response effort. The proceeds are expected to go toward the purchase of a new 100’ ladder truck for the Bald Head Island Department of Public Safety.

On behalf of the Public Service Auxiliary (PSA), the Village would like to thank everyone for their generous donations and Joe Elphick and Mary Porter for hosting the event. Porter, a talented singer, and pianist performed a special concert for the attendees.

Those who still wish to donate to this cause can send checks to Public Service Auxiliary PO Box 3276, Bald Head Island, NC 28461. If you would like your donation to go toward the fire truck, please note “Ladder Truck” on the check so that 100% of your contribution goes toward this specific purchase. The PSA’s PO Box for general donations is 3255, the 3276 PO Box is provided to make sure the ladder truck donations are separate from general donations. Click HERE for additional information about the PSA.

The Village has been and will continue to pursue supplemental funds through various state and federal grant programs for matching funds to purchase this important piece of apparatus.