The Village Council was not able to establish a quorum to conduct January’s regular Village Council meeting today. Since there were no time-sensitive items requiring Council action, the Village Council will be taking up the Old and New Business items from today’s agenda during its February regular meeting. The February meeting is scheduled to take place on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 7, 2024, immediately after the Village Council completes its two-day annual retreat.
We apologize for any inconvenience the abrupt cancellation may have caused.
Those who wish to attend the retreat and/or the February regular council meeting virtually can do so via Zoom (details HERE). The agendas will be posted HERE.
If you wish to receive meeting agendas and public notices (for public meetings, hearings, etc.) directly via email, please contact the Village Clerk at with the subject “Sunshine List” to be added to the list to receive agendas and public notices.