Severe Weather Update #3

Key Information:

  • Village’s response to island-wide flash flooding to date.
  • Overview of Stormwater Management Plan.
  • This evening’s assessment and actions to be taken tomorrow a.m.
  • Village operations for Tuesday, 9/17.
  • Many roads are still impassable, please stay off the roads tonight.
  • The Village has declared a state of emergency. Per the SOE, ICE vehicles are restricted from coming on the Island until further notice.

Response To-Date

The island has received around 20 inches of rainfall in the last two days.  In response, the Village has coordinated with the BHI Club to assess the water level of the lagoon system and has utilized the newly re-engineered outfall by the by-pass lagoon which can be opened to release water into Bald Head Creek.   The BHI Club has flexibility within its irrigation system to move lagoon water directly to the bypass lagoon.  This step was also initiated as rainfall amounts increased during the flash flooding event.

Overview of Stormwater Management Plan

The Village’s Stormwater Management Plan is based on the priorities of ensuring the safe operation of key island infrastructure, in this case, passable and safe roads, and safe and reliable operation of the wastewater system. Additionally, it helps keep Duke Energy and Spectrum equipment and service lines from damage.

The Plan calls for a multi-step response. Depending on rain levels and the water table, percolating rainwater into our sandy soil often resolves stormwater issues. When totals reach a level that percolating alone cannot resolve the removal of sufficient stormwater to resume normal island operations, the Village coordinates with the Club and uses their lagoon system and the Village’s outfall at the bypass lagoon near the green on hole #6 of the golf course to release water into Bald Head Creek.  Between these two actions (percolating and opening of the bypass lagoon) stormwater issues are often resolved.

This Evening’s Assessment

Based on this evening’s assessment, the Village will install its two 10-inch pumps at the emergency outfalls at the #17 tee box and #8 greens tomorrow morning. Utilizing these pumps at these locations allows water to flow into the ocean and river.  The Village will also be placing smaller pumps (donated recently by island property owners) in strategic locations to move stormwater to areas where it is more easily removed.  The Village will continue to provide progress reports as we move through recovery.

Village Operations for 9/17

Several roads on the mainland were severely impacted by the flash flooding event. There may be several roads that will still be closed tomorrow morning which will have an impact on Village staff’s ability to drive safely to work. Additionally, Southport has inbound roads closed to thru and non-essential traffic and this may still be the case tomorrow morning. 

The Island Package Center and Post Office will be closed tomorrow. Village offices may remain closed tomorrow with staff working remotely.  Essential personnel will remain on the island to respond to calls for service.  The Village will provide updates on operations, as needed.

Impassable Roads

Several of the island’s main roads remain unpassable.  The Village is advising Islanders to stay off the roads especially as nightfall approaches making visibility extremely poor. 

This severe weather event is now considered a “Weakening Low Pressure” event and NWS Wilmington has issued the last briefing on this event you can view it HERE.

State of Emergency

The Village has declared a state of emergency (view HERE). Per the state of emergency (SOE), ICE vehicles are restricted from coming on the Island until further notice.  The SOE is being declared in the event FEMA assistance is requested.