Updates and Reminders


  • Hydrant flow testing is happening NOW.
  • Join us for a Community Health Talk on Tuesday, March 25.
  • ICE Vehicle & Trailer feedback is requested.
  • 2025 CSDR Project update.


  • The next regular Village Council meeting is this Friday, March 21, 2025 – the agenda is posted.
  • The next Badwater Cape Fear race is happening this Saturday 3/22.
  • An island-wide shredding event will occur on Thursday, April 3, 2025.
  • Islanders can keep up with the Village’s FY26 budget preparation by checking out our webpage.

Hydrant Flow Testing

Sunland Fire Protection is on the island this week to perform hydrant flow testing. Fire hydrant testing ensures the ability to provide water at an acceptable pressure and flow rate for public health and firefighting operations.

If you experience discolored water, refer to our fact sheet (HERE) on discolored water and follow the instructions before contacting Village Utilities.

Hydrant flow testing is taking place from 3/17-3/21.

Community Health Talk

Dosher Memorial Hospital is excited to bring a community wellness seminar to Bald Head Island!  The seminar is titled, “Enjoy a longer, healthier life!” and will take place on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. at the Department of Public Safety in the multi-purpose room.

Dosher Physician Assistant Jeff Martin has prepared a comprehensive presentation that will cover several health topics designed to inform our guests of what they need to know to prevent disease and stay healthy. Learn about important screenings for men and women at different ages and stages along with the three areas that are key to preventing disease and achieving optimal health. Time will be allotted for questions.

Please RSVP by calling 910-457-3900 or fill out the online RSVP form HERE.

ICE Vehicle & Trailer Feedback

Village staff hosted a second ICE Vehicle & Trailer Town Hall for property owners and HOA/POA representatives yesterday (3/18). Like the first, the second town hall was well attended. The presentations and ordinances discussed at the town halls can be found online HERE.  The Village is accepting comments from property owners and HOA/POA representatives through Friday, April 4, 2025, at comments@villagebhi.org.

Staff will host a third town hall to receive feedback from island business owners. It has not been scheduled.  

Your feedback will help Village staff draft necessary ordinance changes that will be presented to the Village Council. A public hearing will be held to receive input on the draft ordinance.

Public notices for hearings are emailed to those who are on the Village’s “Sunshine List” and posted at Village Hall. If you would like to be on the email distribution list, please contact Darcy Sperry at village.clerk@villagebhi.org and use “Sunshine List” in the subject line.

Several property owners attended yesterday’s ICE Vehicle & Trailer Town Hall.

2025 CSDR Project Update

The 2025 Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project is complete!  All post-project surveys have been completed and Marinex is demobilizing. The Dredge Savannah departed for Charleston on 3/13. Crews have removed roughly 3500’ of submerged pipeline from the Jay Bird Shoals borrow area. Shore crews have removed almost all equipment with the remaining equipment set to depart the island around 4/1.

Marinex barge carrying demobilized heavy equipment and shoreline pipe.


Next Regular Council Meeting

The next regular Village Council Meeting is this Friday, March 21, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. The agenda is posted HERE.  Zoom information to listen-in remotely can be found HERE.

Badwater Cape Fear

The Badwater Ultra Running Race is scheduled for this Saturday, 3/22. This all-day race will take place on several Village wynds. Other activities for the participants will be taking place on the Island beginning Friday. More information about the race can be found HERE.

Shredding Event

An island-wide shredding event is taking place on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Marina Park. All islanders are invited to bring their shredding material in a standard “banker’s box’ sized box for confidential shredding and destruction.  Businesses with multiple boxes will cover the cost of the shred truck on a pro-rata basis.  The cost for the shredding for individuals is $10 per box with all net proceeds benefiting the BHI Conservancy.

FY26 Budget Preparation

Like last year the Village will assist taxpayers in keeping up with the budget process by placing all the meeting/workshop information, documents, and resources in one place.  Our “Annual Budget” webpage can be found HERE.  Taxpayers will have access to the budget schedule, video of the budget workshop(s), presentation slides, meeting minutes, and any additional information produced as part of the Council’s deliberation on the FY26 budget.  Taxpayers are encouraged to submit questions and comments.