The Village has created a dedicated webpage to provide property owners with critical information on the 2021 Bond Referendum (view the webpage HERE). The webpage provides the following:
- Background and timeline of Village actions to address the purchase price, transparency, and governance for the proposed Transportation Authority acquisition of the transportation system
- Description of a GO bond referendum
- Document archives
There is a blue box on the right side that provides “Quick Links” for background and key information that addresses concerns raised by the public, such as:
- The Village’s proposal to acquire the transportation system
- Debt Capacity Explained
- Understanding Taxes on BHI
- 8/21/21 Public Hearing Comments
- FAQs
A few of these items are in development and will be released in future Village’s Voice communications prior to the GO Bond Town Hall on October 13 (more information HERE). The FAQs will be developed after the GO Bond Town Hall to incorporate questions answered during the event.