Village Council Meeting Recap
The agenda was approved unanimously.
There were no written or in-person comments for the Council.
The Consent Agenda passed unanimously. It included item 3.1 below:
3.1 Approval of Minutes – November 15, 2024, Regular Session & November 15, 2024, Closed Session
4.1 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan (View document)
The Village Manager introduced this item. The Village Council opened the public hearing. Having received no comments from the public, the Council closed the public hearing. The plan was adopted unanimously as presented.
5.1 Transportation Litigation Update (View Document 1, View Document 2)
The Village is evaluating the impact of the recent Court of Appeals opinion and the next steps on the Sub 22 case, which is the transfer of assets. The Sub 21 (NCUC regulation of parking and barge services) and Sub 23 (ferry schedule) cases have been concluded. The ROFR case is still pending before the Court of Appeals. Charles Baldwin, Village Attorney, said that the brief in the ROFR case is due on December 28 (which extends to December 30 since the 28 falls on a Saturday). A panel of three judges will be appointed and they will schedule a hearing, which will likely take place in the first quarter of 2025. The opinion could be issued anywhere from 6 to 12 months after the hearing.
6.1 Award Engineering Contract to McKim & Creed for Design of Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II, Amendment I (View document)
The Village Council unanimously voted to approve the contract and gave the Village Manager authority to execute the contract.
6.2 Resolution Accepting Monetary Donation for Clean Up of Common Park (View document)
The donated funds will be restricted to the costs associated with cleaning up the park. The result is to determine a baseline for long-term maintenance of the park and the establishment of standards. Village personnel will be removing the vegetative debris and using the Timber Creek mulch site for this project.
The Village Council unanimously adopted the resolution.
6.3 Resolution Adopting Petty Cash Fund Policy (View Document 1, Document 2)
The Finance Director introduced this item and explained that the Village had this policy in place, but it is now reduced to writing. The Village Council unanimously adopted the resolution.
6.4 November 2024 Financials (View document)
The Finance Director presented the monthly financial report.
6.5 Resolution Adopting the 2025 Village Council Regular Meeting Schedule (View document)
The Village Council unanimously adopted the resolution. The Councilors will be checking their calendars and reporting to the Village Clerk if there are any conflicts. This may result in changes to the schedule if a quorum cannot be met. Any changes will be duly noticed.
6.6 Contracting Landscaping Services Discussion
There was discussion about designating some areas of the Village’s maintained properties for contractors to maintain under a contract. This would be instead of hiring additional employees in the Public Services Department. The Village Manager said that we would like the Village Council to provide guidance and formalize the baseline for these areas for long-term maintenance.
7.1 Development Services (View Document 1, Document 2)
7.2 Public Safety (View Document 1, Document 2)
7.3 Public Services (View Document)
7.4 Assistant Village Manager (View Document 1, Document 2)
Public Safety Updates
Camera System Update – Chief Gibson reported that staff received quotes from two vendors for 14 cameras at 11 locations. The quotes included a $55,000 installation with a $45,000 per year accrual and a $270,000 installation with a $400 monthly recurring charge. He said that if officers see something on camera, that enforcement will still require an officer to follow up. Cost-benefit-wise, staff recommended that it would be more beneficial to focus on increasing staffing for the peak period to ensure an officer is on patrol in strategic areas. Gibson said patrols were effective when they implemented them later in the season this past summer. The plan is to use people already on staff to perform the extra duties for the peak period that it will be necessary.
Apparatus Update – Chief Gibson reported that delivery of the ladder and engine is delayed. Staff is expected to travel to Florida to do the final inspection of both on January 20 and the trucks will be completed two weeks after the visit. The ladder truck will still need to go to Fire Connections to mount the equipment. He reported that Southport has agreed to hold the trucks in their bays on the mainland so that staff can train to drive them on wider roads, at first. This will also provide an opportunity for mutual aid training and a multi-agency training event will take place so that our mutual aid agencies have familiarity with the trucks. This will also help the Village’s ISO rating. The second ambulance is scheduled to be picked up by staff on December 20.
Public Services Updates
Public Services Director, JP McCann gave the following updates:
Timber Bridge – Mr. McCann indicated that Public Services will be requesting additional funds to purchase another 200 replacement boards for the Timber Bridge. The goal is to replace all the boards so that the wear decking can be installed which will prolong the life of the boards. The budget amendment is expected to be on the January agenda. McCann said that Public Services is repurposing the old boards where possible.
Speed Bumps – Since two of the three speedbumps near N Bald Head Wynd and Muscadine Wynd were removed, the feedback (or lack of) seems to indicate that the one is working, it is slowing folks down. Mr. McCann said that the reflectors have been installed on the remaining speed bump and that it is visible for both golf carts and ICE vehicles.
WWTP Usage – Mr. McCann was asked about the wastewater treatment plant usage trends. He reported that the Village’s peaks have come down. The highest usages were in August 2021 and July 2023 and have since backed off. He will be discussing the numbers in detail during the annual retreat (February 3 & 4, 2025).
Assistant Village Manager Updates
Assistant Village Manager Jae Kim gave an update on the IPC’s holiday hours, updates on the AIA (Asset Inventory Assessment) and LASSI (stormwater) grants, reported that the Commercial Review Board (CRB) did not meet in December for lack of applications.
PTC #8 Post-Storm After-Action Review Summary – Mr. McCall gave a presentation on PTC #8 he touched on the following info:
- Storm predictions including expected and total rainfall on BHI
- Post-storm impacts on BHI and throughout Brunswick County
- Comparative flood areas review with 2019 LiDAR Data
- Floodwater Management on BHI
- Post-storm after-action reviews for Public Services, Public Safety/Incident Command Support Response, Development Services/Stormwater Management, Communications & Education Outreach, BHI Club Floodwater Management Support Response
- Future Policy Considerations
A video of the presentation can be viewed HERE.
2025 CSDR Project – Mr. McCall reported that sand placement for the Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project had started. More information on the project and regular updates will be posted HERE.
Memorandum of Agreement – Mr. McCall announced that the Village will be meeting with the Army Corps of Engineers to discuss a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that if executed, would allow the Village to contribute funds to expand the scope of work during the Corp’s Wilmington Harbor Channel Maintenance projects.
Annual Retreat – Mr. McCall said he and Mayor Quinn have been working on a draft agenda for the annual retreat (February 3 & 4, 2025) and requested Council to submit any ideas they have for topics.
Contractor Ferry Reservations – Staff is preparing for a change in how the Village pays for its employee’s ferry tickets in anticipation of a new reservation system for the contractor ferry. Currently, the Village is paying for tickets after I-cards are scanned in, the Village anticipates having to pre-pay with the new system.
Summer Youth Activities – Mr. McCall reported that he has met with individuals who are hoping to establish summer activities for youth (13-18 age range) this year.
Service Awards/Employee of the Year – The Village presented the Employee of the Year award and service awards at its recent holiday party. Here are the recipients:
Employee of the Year: Anthony Sinatra (Public Services – Utilities)
5 Years of Service: Corey Craven (Public Services), David Morales (Public Services), Stephen Pevarnik (IPC/PO), and Carin Faulkner (Administration-PIO)
10 Years of Service: Jerry Waits (Public Services), Dustin Shaw (Public Safety), Travis Dellinger (Public Safety), Sebastian Alamond (Administration – IT), and Mishanda Mohundro (Administration – Finance)
20 Years of Service: Stephen Boyett (Development Services) and Chris McCall (Administration)
25 Years of Service: David Cox (Administration – IT)
Verizon Update – The Village has been notified that the antennae have been shipped for the relocation of Verizon’s equipment to a higher location on the cell tower.
8. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO N.C.G.S. 143-318.11 (A)(1)(3)(5)
No action was taken when the Council returned to open session.
A full account of these meetings can be found in the minutes which are posted HERE. Typically, minutes are posted with the agenda of next month’s meeting (e.g. If you want to read the August meeting minutes, they can be found under the September regular meeting agenda).
The agenda was approved unanimously.
There were no written or in-person comments for the Council.
The Consent Agenda passed unanimously. It included items 3.1 and 3.2 below:
3.1 Approval of Minutes – October 11, 2024 Regular Session & October 11, 2024, Closed Session
3.2 Approval of Ambulance Franchise Agreement with Brunswick County (View document)
4.1 2025 Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (CSDR) Beach Nourishment Project Fill Design Recommendations & General Update (View project webpage)
The Village’s coastal engineers gave an update on the upcoming 2025 CSDR project. There was also discussion on long term planning for the groin tube field as far as determining how the tubes will be maintained into the future. They will present more information on this at the Village Council’s annual retreat (February 3 & 4, 2025).
4.2 Resolution Authorizing Issuance of General Obligation Beach Improvement Bonds, Series 2024 (View Document)
The resolution was adopted unanimously (3-0) as presented.
4.3 Transportation Litigation Update (View Document 1, Document 2)
Mayor Pro Tem Gardner gave an update on the pending litigation. He reported that the Court of Appeals released its opinion on the Sub 21 case (Utilities Commission regulation of parking and barge services). The Appeals Court ruled that the barge operation should not be regulated, and the Village disagrees. The Village’s option at this point is to appeal to the State Supreme Court. There are factors that the Village is considering that would impact the outcome before a decision is made on whether to appeal. He reported that the Sub 23 (proposed ferry services schedule amendment) was approved, that most folks should be up to speed on that (see the Village’s announcement HERE). The new schedule is effective December 1, and the reservation system is updated with the new schedule.
5.1 First Reading – An Ordinance of the Village of Bald Head Island, North Carolina to Regulate Handicap Parking (No draft document presented).
Will Quick, Village Counsel, advised that the Village does not need to adopt its own ordinance and that it can enforce the state law which comes with a $250 state citation. The Village Council accepted this recommendation. Staff will be working on a procedure for island businesses to request a handicap parking sign from the Village to ensure all the signage looks the same.
Note: As far as the placards, Public Safety advises those who have placards to make a copy of the one they use for their vehicle on the mainland and to affix (tape) the copy to the inside of the windshield (not blocking view of the driver).
5.2 Resolution Authorizing Installment Loan Financing for Public Safety Vehicles (View Document 1 Document 2)
The resolution was adopted unanimously (3-0) as presented.
5.3 October 2024 Financials (View Document)
Zachary Hewett, Finance Officer presented the monthly financials. He reported that the Village has submitted its PDA (public disaster assistance) request through FEMA. The Village has requested approximately $1 million for damage from PTC #8 (damage to Village vehicles and facilities).
6.1 Development Services (View Document 1, Document 2)
6.2 Public Safety (View Document 1, Document 2)
6.3 Public Services (View Document)
6.4 Assistant Village Manager (View Document 1, Document 2)
Public Safety Updates
Camera System Update – Chief Gibson reported that staff visited three local police departments that are using camera systems. The Village is receiving options from a combination of vendors. Line of sight is going to be a main issue for installing cameras on BHI. Staff will be presenting the options at the December meeting.
Apparatus Update – Chief Gibson presented some photos from the manufacturer who is working on the Village’s ladder truck and engine. He pointed out the modifications that were made to the design to make the size more compact to make a smaller turning radius. The Village is still expecting delivery of these apparatus and ambulance #1 by the end of the year. View the photos HERE.
Public Services Updates
Public Services Director, JP McCann gave the following updates:
Speed Bumps – In response to feedback received from the public, especially tram riders, the Village will be removing two of the three speed bumps that were installed near the intersection of N Bald Head Wynd and Muscadine Wynd. After consulting with Public Safety, the one closest to the turn will stay in place. Staff is going to re-evaluate the process by which the decision to install these calming devices are made in the future.
Lift Station Maintenance – Bids for the next phase of the lift station maintenance project will be going out the week of 11/18. More information on that project HERE.
Stormwater Planning Grant – Public Services staff completed an inventory, with photos, of the Village’s stormwater equipment as part of the Village’s stormwater planning grant. Staff will continue to work with WithersRavenel who is helping develop the plan as part of the NC Department of Environmental Quality $350,000 local assistance for stormwater infrastructure and investments (LASII) grant.
Timber Bridge – Public Works temporarily installed a running surface on the Timber Bridge to give Council and CAMA (permitting agency) an idea of how the material looks. The surface should help prolong the lifespan of the boards. Mr. McCann indicated that he would like to install 200 more new boards this year and the remaining 400 boards next fiscal year and then install the running surface along the entire length of the bridge. See photos of the running surface below.
Grinder Pumps – Village Utilities staff have evaluated the grinder pumps that were impacted by PTC #8 and are looking at options to modify the equipment to lessen the impacts of stormwater flooding. In speaking with industry representatives, none of the options available will completely eliminate inflow and infiltration (I&I) from getting into the system. At best the modifications will offer more operational control and result in getting the grinder pumps turned on more quickly once they have been submerged. The equipment will still need to be individually checked before being put back into service. Rough estimates indicate a cost of $250,000 for the equipment only (not including installation).
Radio Read Project – The Village is looking into implementing a radio read system that will provide real-time data on water usage for the island. Staff has evaluated the options and is looking at doing a hybrid system where they can use signals off antennae located at Village Utilities and Common Park and then some cellular service for areas that will not get a signal (which comes with an extra cost). A third antenna location was considered off the golf course (not visually appealing) and at Harbor Village main (near the contractor lot at the marina). Staff will be getting the numbers and options together for further consideration.
Grant Funding Options – Village staff met with folks from the Ferguson Group (legislative affairs consultants) to discuss Federal funding options for the wastewater treatment plant expansion. In preparation of these efforts, Mr. McCann reported that they have separated the water and sewer budgets and are wrapping up the AIA grant project which will create a CIP (capital improvement plan) for long term expenses for water and sewer. These items will help increase the “points” that the Village receives when its grant applications are evaluated.
Assistant Village Manager Updates
Assistant Village Manager Jae Kim gave an update on the IPC’s holiday hours (more info below), an update on the AIA grant. He reported that a request for proposals for smoke testing will be going out soon. He emphasized that information from PTC #8 will be used as part of the stormwater grant which will result in a comprehensive stormwater management plan and this project will take approximately 24 months and will hopefully launch in the next month or two. He reported that the marina channel maintenance just wrapped up last weekend. This is another grant that the Village receives from the State (67% of the cost is paid by NC).
Verizon Tower – Mr. McCall reported that Verizon is expected to get started on moving its equipment to a higher location on the cell tower next month (December 2024). This work should be completed by the end of the 4th quarter.
PTC #8 FAQs – Mr. McCall reported that in follow-up to staff’s request for questions after PTC #8, that the question-and-answer document had been released that week (see announcement here).
ADA Transition Plan – Mr. McCall announced that the Village has completed an ADA Transition Plan. He reviewed the implementation plans which include communications, public buildings, spaces and rights-of-way. The draft plan is available online HERE. The Village is requesting public input which can be submitted to the Village Clerk ( or at the December 13, 2024, public hearing.
Hospitality Meeting – Mr. McCall asked Ms. Faulkner (Public Information Officer) to report on the hospitality meeting. She reported that Village staff hosted the Village’s inaugural hospitality meeting on October 23. About 25 folks attended, representing several rental companies, inns, and a few businesses. Staff gave an overview of the Village’s communication channels and target audiences and provided information on the Village’s upcoming Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project and where to find future updates. Then there was a discussion amongst the group on the best ways to inform renters about the island to improve their experience. This generated a few ideas for additional content that can be pushed out to the renters prior to their stay. Due to its success, the Village will likely make this an annual meeting.
Upcoming Meetings – Mr. McCall announced that staff and several Village Council members would be attending the NCBIWA Conference on November 18 & 19. The local manager’s meeting on the island had been rescheduled for 11/20, and a representative from Senator Budd’s office will be visiting the island that day, too.
8. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO N.C.G.S. 143-318.11 (A)(1)(3)(5)
No action was taken when the Council returned to open session.
A full account of these meetings can be found in the minutes which are posted HERE. Typically, minutes are posted with the agenda of next month’s meeting (e.g. If you want to read the August meeting minutes, they can be found under the September regular meeting agenda).
Councilor Thomas moved to add a “Financial Controls Discussion” to the agenda (under Old Business). The amended agenda was adopted unanimously.
There were no written or in-person comments for the Council.
The Consent Agenda passed unanimously. It included items 3.1 through 3.5 below:
3.1 Approval of Minutes – September 23, 2024, Special Session & September 23, 2024, Closed Session
3.2 Approval of Veterans Day 2024 Proclamation (View document)
3.3 Approval of Disaster Relief Fund Resolution (View document)
3.4 Approval of FedEx Agreement Cartage Services Agreement for Village of Bald Head Island (View document)
3.5 Approval of Appointment of Dale Giera to Commercial Review Board (View document)
4.1 Proposed Text Amendments to Sections 32-11 & 32-126 of the Village of Bald Head Island Code of Ordinances (View document)
No one came forward to provide comments during the public hearing. The draft ordinance was adopted as presented with a unanimous vote of the Council.
5.1 Transportation Litigation Update (View document)
There was only one update to the Transportation System Litigation Status table and that was indicating a settlement agreement was reached on the proposed ferry services schedule amendment (VV announcement HERE). The parties are waiting for the NC Utilities Commission to approve the agreement. In the meantime, BHI Transportation has opened reservations for November under the old schedule.
5.2 Financial Controls Discussion
There was discussion regarding getting a third party involved in auditing the Village’s management practices around contracting and invoice payment. Councilor Thomas agreed to take this on and come back with a proposal before the next annual retreat (scheduled for February 4 & 5, 2025).
6.1 Capital Project Ordinance Amendment: Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion CPO Amendment for WWTP Upgrades Project (View document)
The Village Council unanimously adopted this ordinance amendment which sets up the Capital Project Ordinance (CPO) for the wastewater treatment plant expansion project to recognize the NC Department of Environmental Quality grant that the Village received for $965,000 and to include that amount in the project.
7.1 Development Services (View document 1, document 2)
7.2 Public Safety Monthly (View document 1, document 2)
7.3 Public Services Monthly Council Update (View document)
7.4 Assistant Manager (View document 1, document 2)
Public Services Updates
PTC #8 Damage – Public Services Director JP McCann updated the Council on the requested repairs to the edge of payment in a few areas that were mentioned at the August meeting. He said those areas were attended to within a week. There was discussion about the repair and/or replacement of marl and gravel in several areas that were lost due to PTC #8. There is no certainty whether the Village will receive declared disaster reimbursement funds from the event, but these areas were included in the damage assessment figure provided to the state. Repairs will be made regardless of this funding.
Timber Bridge – Mr. McCann indicated that the Timber Bridge board replacement project has three more phases left if they continue doing 200 boards at a time on each side and he would be asking for funding for that. He said that they have received the running surface and are planning on putting it down temporarily so that the Council can ride over it
Stormwater Pumping – Mayor Quinn asked if the Village has a written policy for pumping stormwater on private property. Mr. McCall, the Village Manager, indicated that it is in the Village’s stormwater ordinance and a request to pump on private property must go through the Development Service Director (Stephen Boyett, email).
Signage – Mr. McCann reported that Public Works is about halfway through replacing stop signs with the new standard 18-inch signs. The Village has also made handicap signs and is helping to get those distributed to where they need to go. He indicated that Public Works is closely following the wayfinding plan the Village developed as guidance. He welcomes all feedback (email or via service request).
PTC # 8 Follow-Up – Mr. McCall reported that Village Staff will be meeting internally next week to conduct an after-action review for PTC #8 specific to the operational aspects of how the Village managed stormwater and utility systems throughout the event and to identify recommendations and improvements for that. He mentions that this will be included in the Village’s upcoming stormwater management planning effort with Withers Ravenel, which is being funded by the $350,000 NC Department of Environmental Quality grant. One of the goals of this effort will be to take all the previous studies that have been done since the early 2000’s and compile them together within this process. Recommendations for future improvements will likely be another outcome.
2025 CSDR Project – As far as the 2025 Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project, Mr. McCall did not have much to report. The project is still scheduled to start on November 16, and the Village is still working through the permit modification to add additional material if we think it is needed.
Public Safety Apparatus – Mr. McCall indicated that staff will be bringing to Council next month the awarding of the financing for the Public Safety apparatus (the ladder truck, engine pumper truck, and two ambulances). We should be receiving this equipment by the end of the year.
Camera System Update – Chief Gibson reported that the Village has received one quote so far on a proposed camera system which would be installed at the main thoroughfares to assist law enforcement. Staff has visited three agencies to review their camera systems as part of the process. The Village is reaching out to another company to get a second quote.
Assistant Village Manager Updates – Assistant Manager Jae Kim reminded the Village Council of the upcoming North Carolina Beach Inlet and Waterway Association (NCBIWA) meeting in Wilmington (November 18 & 19). He reported that Coastal Dredging will be back to dredge the bypass and marina channel entrance this week.
9. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO N.C.G.S. 143-318.11 (A)(1)(3)(5)
No action was taken when the Council returned to open session.
A full account of these meetings can be found in the minutes which are posted HERE. Typically, minutes are posted with the agenda of next month’s meeting (e.g. If you want to read the August meeting minutes, they can be found under the September regular meeting agenda).