2025 CSDR Project
The Village of Bald Head Island has planned for a Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (CSDR) project that will begin in the fall of 2024 and will be completed in early 2025.
The Village contracted with Marinex Construction to dredge beach-quality sand from Jay Bird Shoals and place it on the west end of the terminal groin down through the groin tubes. The sand fill will restart east of Muscadine Wynd and fill to the east end of the Shoals Club (see map below).

With the dry sand beach nourishment in place at the west end of South Beach, the Village also plans to remove and replace all groin tubes in the soft-tube groin field. McPherson Marine Services will perform this work.
As work progresses on this project, updates will be posted below and via our social media channels (HERE).
The photo above is from the 2022/2023 Wilmington Harbor Inner Ocean Bar Project. The method of sand placement seen in the photo will be used in the 2025 CSDR project.
CAMA Permit Application with Project Details
Article: An Overview of BHI’s Shoreline Protection Program in Advance of the Village’s 2025 Project
CONTRACTOR: Marinex Construction
DREDGE: Savannah – Cutter suction dredge

CONSTRUCTION START DATE: First week in December (this is the approximate time that sand placement will begin and is subject to change).
APPROXIMATE END DATE: April 30, 2025 (this date is subject to change)*
MATERIAL AMOUNT: Approximately 1,000,000 cubic yards
*Start and end dates are rough estimates since weather and mechanical impacts can change the project schedule.
PLACEMENT: Sand will be placed from the west end of the terminal groin down through the groin tubes, then the sand fill will restart east of Muscadine Wynd, and fill to the east end of the Shoals Club.
WHAT TO EXPECT: The beach will remain open except for the areas of immediate construction where a 1,000-foot section of the beach will be closed at any given time when nourishment is underway. Due to the many variables associated with the construction progress, such as mechanical or weather impacts, it is extremely difficult to forecast when the contractor will close a particular section of the beach. There will be a large pipe that carries the sand slurry down the beach and heavy excavation equipment which will be working 24/7 until the project is completed. There will be noise from the large machinery 24/7, this will include the “backup signals” from the machines and lighting which are required for the safety of the crew. Sand ramps will be spaced along the beach (approximately every 400 feet) to allow beachgoers to walk over the pipe and access the ocean.
Please help the construction crew by being mindful of the construction fencing and signage. Do not go beyond any signage or barriers as doing so may place yourself and others in harm’s way.
INQUIRIES: Can go to public.information@villagebhi.org or (910) 457-9700 ext. 1025
PROGRESS MAP: The map below indicates where the beach fill will be placed (green shaded areas), where the soft-tube groins are located (blue lines), where the borrow area is located (black box in the water), and the numbered beach accesses (blue pins). Sand placement will begin on the west end of South Beach and move east. Equipment will be staged near Beach Access #11 (Sandpiper Trail). As the project proceeds, green pins will be added to the map to indicate where the beach fill is being placed. If the dredge is down for an extended period, a red pin will signify that the placement of sand has stopped. Click on the green pins for photos and/or descriptions. Once the beach fill moves past the soft-tube groins, the Village’s contractor will remove them and replace them with new ones. Any updates on this project phase will be marked with purple pins (click for photos/descriptions). Additional project updates will be posted below the map.
View on Google Maps
February 6, 2025 (posted) – The contractor has placed approximately 95,000 cubic yards of sand in the east-end phase of the project. The placement area is east of Cladach Ct. The contractor removing and replacing the soft-tube groins is excavating tube # 15 which is 100% exposed.
January 31, 2025 (posted)—Beach fill for the west-end phase of the project is complete. The dredged pipe will be extended further down South Beach, and sand placement for the east-end phase will resume near 805 S Bald Head Wynd and continue past the Shoals Club.
The contractor removing and replacing the soft-tube groins (McPherson Marine Services) has excavated and installed eight of the thirteen tubes to date. When they recently started excavating tube # 13, near Beach Access #17 (Black Skimmer Trail), they discovered they may undermine the crossover, so it has been closed for the public’s safety. Beach Access #15 is closed for the same reason. Damage to the crossovers will be repaired as quickly as possible.
January 27, 2025 (posted) – As of today beach fill has been placed just east of Beach Access 20, which is on the east end of Sandspur Trail. The groin tube contractor continued the excavation of tube 12.
January 24, 2025 (posted) – Beach Access #15 is blocked off for public safety while a nearby groin tube is excavated close to the access. The groin tube contractor continued excavating and removing tube 10 and began excavating tube 11 on 1/23. As of 1/23, beach fill had been placed up to Starrush Trail just west of Beach Access #18.
January 21, 2025 (posted)—The dredge’s repairs were completed, and sand placement resumed at 10:30 p.m. last night (1/20). Beach fill is restarted near Beach Access 17. As of 1/17, exposure and removal of the first five (5) groin tubes starting from west to east was underway. At least two (2) tubes have been completely replaced and are waiting to be surveyed before backfilling and covering.
January 15, 2025 (posted)—The dredge has been down since Saturday, January 11. It was relocated to Battery Island for rough conditions and is currently having minor repairs. Once the repairs are complete, the dredge is expected to resume operations.
January 10, 2025 (posted) – Beach fill has reached Beach Access 17 near Black Skimmer Trail.
January 6, 2025 (posted) – Beach fill has been placed up to the east side of Beach Access 15. The dredge was shut down yesterday morning and staged near Battery Island ahead of inclement weather.
January 2, 2025 (posted) – Sand placement is currently near 308 S Bald Head Wynd heading toward Beach Access #15.
December 18, 2024 (posted): Our dredging contractor has passed the oceanfront homes west of Beach Access #11 and sand placement is currently just to the east of the new pickleball courts at BHI Club.
December 12, 2024 (posted): Beach fill placement has started as of this evening.
November 27, 2024 (posted): Equipment mobilization has started. The equipment and pipe will be staged near Beach Access #11 (Sandpiper Trail).
November 14, 2024 (posted) – Mobilization of pipe and equipment is expected to begin the week of 11/18/24. Beach fill placement is expected to start the first week of December 2024.
End of October/beginning of November – Pre-construction meetings & surveys conducted.