In this issue:
- Recap of Village Council regular meeting.
- Retire your tattered US flags at the Department of Public Safety.
- Beach bonfire season starts on November 16, 2022, please note the Village’s permit application & approval process.
Upcoming Events:
- Blueprint Brunswick Drop-in Meeting, tomorrow, October 25, 2022.
- PSA’s Chili Supper Fundraiser is this Friday, October 28, 2022, from 4-7 p.m.
- Halloween 2022 will be celebrated this Saturday, October 29, 2022, from 1-3 p.m.
- Village offices will be closed on Friday, November 11, 2022, in observance of Veteran’s Day.
Reminders: IPC package tracker, IPC holiday schedule, package addressing, N-95 masks available at Village Hall, free COVID-19 tests available through USPS mail (this was suspended back in September).
Regular Council Meeting – The Village Council conducted its regular meeting on Friday, October 21, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. Here is a summary of the information shared and the actions that were taken at this meeting:
The consent agenda passed unanimously. It included meeting minutes, proclamations for the 35th Anniversary of the Village Chapel of Bald Head Island, Lung Cancer Awareness Month 2022, and Veteran’s Day.
Under old business, the Village Council formally created the Commercial Area Master Plan Committee (CAMPC) with the intent of sharing the interests and concerns of the property owners of Bald Head Island with the goal of creating a commercial area master plan.
The Village Council opted not to include commercial property owners as members of the committee since the planning consultants will be working closely with them as the rest of the community weighs in. The Village Council assigned the “review and recommendation” responsibility to the committee. This responsibility is typically given to the planning board but will be this committee’s responsibility for this particular planning effort. While the CAMPC is in place the planning board will continue to act on its other responsibilities. Any zoning amendments that may come out of this process will still go to the planning board for review.
The Village Council received several applications for the CAMPC and was encouraged by the level of interest in this project. The Council unanimously appointed the following members to the CAMPC:
- David Wray (planning board),
- Chris Shank (institutional),
- David Beam (long-term property owner),
- Kevin Arata (in between long-term and new),
- Nathan McBrayer (newer property owner),
- Dianne Reid (alternate).
Prior to the CAMPC’s first meeting which is scheduled for November 9, 2022, the Village will be sending an announcement to Village property owners inviting you to attend the meeting in-person or online and providing a basic outline that explains the process, so you are informed along the way.
Under new business, the Village Council unanimously awarded the bid for the wastewater duplex lift station maintenance project to Utilitech, Inc., for a negotiated and budgeted amount of $498,500. The Village Manager introduced the proposed amendment to the creek access ordinance to increase the length of vessels to 17 feet and the maximum horsepower to 75. He explained that the Village is working with Limited and the Division of Coastal Management to modify the condition that was on the original permit for the creek and once this is accomplished the Village Council can act. He recommended scheduling the public hearing for the November regular council meeting (November 18, 2022). Mayor Quinn announced that the Village Council has scheduled a special meeting for November 2, 2022, for the consideration of purchasing the transportation system and other assets. The public notice will be issued at least 48 hours before the scheduled time of the meeting.
Below are a few items that were shared during the Manager’s Report.
Public Safety Items – Chief May said that the department is working on the message board and radar. The plan is to add messaging to the board about underage driving and open containers. The IT Department is going through records to determine if there are false/faulty alarms that occur at the same residences. The recent public education piece will be helpful in future enforcement of the Village’s ordinance on false alarms. The department is doing a lot of training now that peak season has ended. Chief checked on the status of the ladder truck. It is not in production at this time. Once it is in production, the Village should begin receiving photos of the progress. The company building the truck says it’s still on target for a November 2023 – January 2024 delivery.
Public Services Items – JP McCann, Public Services Director, shared some photos of the recent signage that was installed in the Marina Harbor and a concept photo for improvements to the Timber Bridge. The photo shows where wear plates will be installed. The plates will blend in with the color of the existing bridge, provide a smoother ride, and extend the life of the bridge. The Village is working on getting a repair and maintenance exemption from the Division of Coastal Management in order to be able to install the wear plates. He reported that the Village is still working with the Bald Head Association on getting the boat parking moved at Timber Creek. He said that Village Utilities should complete the annual change from chloramines to chlorine this week. In the future, he hopes to provide more specific dates for this change for customers as it does result in discoloration of the tap water.
ADA Beach Access – The proposed access at Peppervine Trail has been approved by the Bald Head Association. The construction of the access will be bid with the annual repair and maintenance planned for several beach accesses which will be completed prior to the next peak season.
Marina Park Dock and Pier – The Village has received drawings for the replacement dock and pier for Marina Park. The objective is to get it bid and constructed over the winter. The Village received FEMA reimbursement to construct the replacement dock as the old dock was severely damaged during Hurricane Isaias and had to be demolished.
Public Services Project Manager – Mr. McCann introduced the Council to the new Public Services employee, Project Manager Mark Johnson. Johnson is a NC State graduate with 20 years of experience in the public works field. He most recently worked in Breckenridge, Colorado.
Contractor Services Landscaping – Village staff met with the landscape consultant and a number of plantings have been planned for the Federal Road area near the new Contractor Services building. A good bit of regrowth has occurred, and the planned plantings will be used to fill in that area and block the view of the compactors and recycle bins. There has been discussion on using in-house labor to do some of the work. The area that is planned for landscaping goes from the Public Safety Building down past the Contractor Services building on Federal Road.
The Assistant Village Manager, Jae Kim, provided an update on the following:
IPC/PO Update –
- September package counts for the IPC/PO facility:
4,951 total packages for September 2022 with a 32.1% drop from the month before (7,292 packages)
FedEx Express: 128
FedEx Ground: 1101
UPS: 2354
USPS: 1368
4,905 total packages from last September (2021) with a 1% increase to the year prior
Last year’s drop from August (2021) to September (2021) was a 28% drop. - UPS Contract – Update
- The Village received a counteroffer on its proposed per-package rate from the UPS representative. Staff has discussed and continued dialogue on our initial request amount and justification. Our request is $8.00 per package. The current rate is $6. Status: ongoing.
- The Village received a counteroffer on its proposed per-package rate from the UPS representative. Staff has discussed and continued dialogue on our initial request amount and justification. Our request is $8.00 per package. The current rate is $6. Status: ongoing.
- FedEx (Ground) Contract – Update
- The contract was electronically executed on 10/11/22 by Mayor Quinn. It is effective 8/1/22 – 7/31/23 at a contract rate of $8.00 per package.
- The contract was electronically executed on 10/11/22 by Mayor Quinn. It is effective 8/1/22 – 7/31/23 at a contract rate of $8.00 per package.
- Mr. Kim reported that a memo on the proposed option to reopen on Saturdays was submitted to Council. It requested the addition of one new full-time equivalent (FTE) with the modification of existing staff schedules to accommodate Council’s request. Budget constraints were discussed since the positions are dependent on revenues generated by the number of packages coming into the IPC. It was emphasized that revenues will likely not cover the additional FTE. There was much discussion between the staff and Village Council and the Council directed staff to advertise and hire the additional FTE. Staff requested sufficient time to train the new FTE prior to reopening on Saturday.
Shoreline Protection Update –
- GPI conducted their aerial/ortho collection on Wednesday, October 5 for our Fall 2022 Beach Monitoring Surveying. Also, McKim & Creed will continue to assist with the annual beach profile surveying.
- Jay Bird Shoals Borrow (JBS) Site Extension
- With the input from our engineers & partners involved, the Village will continue with JBS site authorization and re-submit for the Frying Pan Shoals (FPS) application after the JBS permit is received based upon long-term projected sand needs. The JBS borrow side is likely going to be maxed out of its future use.
- With the input from our engineers & partners involved, the Village will continue with JBS site authorization and re-submit for the Frying Pan Shoals (FPS) application after the JBS permit is received based upon long-term projected sand needs. The JBS borrow side is likely going to be maxed out of its future use.
- Mr. Kim reminded the Council that the NCBIWA (NC Beach, Inlet and Waterway Association) Annual Conference is on Thursday & Friday (11/3 – 11/4) at The Terraces on Sir Tyler in Wilmington. Staff will be attending. Topics of the conference include legislative & policy updates, keynote speakers Congressmen Greg Murphy and David Rouzer (invited), and an offshore wind energy panel discussion.
Wilmington Harbor Inner Ocean Bar Project – Mr. McCall reported that the Village is waiting to hear from the Army Corps of Engineers regarding the expected pre-construction conference to discuss this upcoming project. Marinex Construction will be performing this work. The on-island equipment staging location will be off of Beach Access #11 (Sandpiper) and the Village will be discussing the waterway staging location in hopes that it will be relocated from the Battery Island area to prevent ferry delays.
Retiring Flags – As homeowners are performing post-season maintenance many are finding that their United States flags are quite worn and need to be retired. Property owners can always drop off worn flags at the Department of Public Safety during office hours (M-F 9:00 – 3:30) so that our PSOs can retire them properly.
When should a flag be retired? According to the United States Flag Code §8. (k), “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” When the flag endures circumstances such as tattering, staining, fading, tearing, or defacement it is necessary to have the United States flag destroyed.

Beach Bonfire Permits – Beach bonfire season is almost here. It begins on November 16th and will end on April 30, 2023. Individuals must apply for and receive a permit to have a bonfire on the beach. The permits are issued by the Department of Public Safety. Applications are accepted Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. (except Village holidays). Applications can be emailed or delivered in person to the administrative assistant at the Public Safety Building (, 273 Edward Teach Extension). Applications must be submitted at least 24 hours prior to your requested burn time.
Locations for bonfires by individuals are limited to four beach access sites: Access #5, Access #24, Access #35, and Access #39 (one bonfire per beach access site at the same time). Only one permit shall be issued per beach access per day. Permits for Monday through Friday will be issued the day prior. Permits for Saturday, Sunday, or holidays that fall on Monday will be issued on Fridays.
Over the years beach bonfires have become very popular and the permits are applied for well in advance by several individuals. This season the Village will be issuing permits in the following manner. If you have applied for a permit, you will receive a phone call on the day of issuance, if you do not answer and there is another person who has applied for that same night, the next applicant will be called, and so on until we speak with someone who verbally claims the permit.
Upcoming Events:
Blueprint Brunswick Drop-in Meeting – Brunswick County residents are invited to come to the Brunswick Center at Supply (101 Stone Chimney Road) anytime between 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to provide input that will help refine and prioritize the recommendations and action steps needed to finalize the draft Blueprint Brunswick 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Parks and Recreation Master Plan. You can view the resources and draft maps and plans HERE. For more information go HERE.

Chili Supper Fundraiser – The Public Service’s Annual Chili Supper fundraiser is taking place this Friday from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Public Safety Building. Volunteers will be serving chili, salad, and cornbread. Please bring your own beverage. Seating availability is limited so you also may want to bring your own chair as well. Contributions can be made upon arrival or in advance using the QR code in the flyer above.

Halloween 2022 – The island will be hosting trick or treating this Saturday, October 29, 2022, from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Maps and the list of the participating houses/businesses will be available for pick-up at the Maritime Market starting on Friday, October 28th and posted on BHI social medial groups. Free trick-or-treat bags will be provided while supplies last. Businesses and homes that will be handing out candy can contact Nicole Mohler at by tomorrow, October 25th to be included on the maps and list. Include your address and how you would like to be listed. Plastic pumpkin buckets will be delivered to participating houses as a road marker to identify houses easily. Please contact Nicole if you have any questions. Check out the Department of Public Safety’s safety tips for Halloween HERE or our video HERE.

IPC Package Tracker – The Island Package Center and Post Office has an online package tracker available 24/7 for customers to track the status of packages coming to the island. The tracker can be found on the IPC/PO webpage HERE.
It is important to emphasize that when you receive a package notification from a carrier, (FedEx/UPS) that means the package has arrived at the driver’s final destination which is the Deep Point warehouse, NOT Bald Head Island. The package still needs to be transported to the island via the barge, trucked to the IPC, then scanned and sorted prior to being ready for pickup. The barge does not operate on weekends and can be impacted by inclement weather conditions causing additional delays.
IPC Holiday Schedule – The IPC/PO will be extending its hours and operating during one designated Village holiday this season, details are below:
- Thanksgiving Holiday – The IPC/PO will be closed on Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25, 2022, for the Thanksgiving holiday. It will be open for extended hours on Wednesday, November 23rd and will open at 10:00 a.m. and close at 6:00 p.m. USPS mail will be put up on Saturday, November 26, 2022. We recommend that if you are having items shipped to the island for this holiday you place your orders on November 10 or earlier to give sufficient time for your package to make it to the island.
- Christmas Holiday – The IPC/PO will be open for extended hours on Thursday, December 22, 2022, and will open at 10:00 a.m. and close at 6:00 p.m. The IPC/PO will be closed Friday, December 23rd and Monday, December 26th. USPS mail will be put up on Saturday, December 24, 2022. USPS mail will not be put up on Friday, December 23rd and Monday, December 26, 2022. Although the Village offices will remain closed on Tuesday, December 27th, the IPC/PO will be fully staffed and open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. that day. We recommend that if you are having items shipped to the island for this holiday you place your orders on December 8 or earlier to give sufficient time to make it to the island.
View our holiday mail and package tips HERE.
Package Addressing – Due to recent upgrades at the Island Package Center and Post Office, all incoming mail and packages must have a unique identifier to ensure that packages are tracked and received in a timely manner. If you have a post office box, please make sure all incoming mail has that number on it. If you do not have a PO box, your BHI property address needs to be on all incoming mail and packages. We have customers that are using the IPC/PO address (104/106 Lighthouse Wynd) for incoming mail and packages. This is no longer acceptable and will not be compatible with our new software system.
Free N95 Masks – Federally provided N95 masks are available at Village Hall, as supplies last. These supplies do not include child-sized masks at this time. Learn more about N95 and other types of masks HERE. To learn more about where to find free N95 masks in Brunswick County go HERE.
Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests Mailed to You – Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order four free at-home COVID-19 tests. The tests are completely free. Orders will usually ship in 7-12 days. Order your tests now so you have them when you need them. Order your tests through the United States Postal Service (USPS) at (this was suspended back in September). Find local testing sites HERE.