Volunteers Needed for Master Plan Committee

The Village Council is creating a committee to represent island stakeholders. The committee will work to promote and express the public’s concerns to the planners, Cole, Jenest, & Stone (CJS), during the master plan design process. Members of the committee will be responsible for participating in approximately five (5) presentation/progress meetings over the next six (6) months. The meetings will include a kick-off orientation, conceptual framework, schematic master plan, final master plan, and post-presentation follow-up.

Committee Make-Up:

5–7-person committee overseen by one (1) Village Council member and composed as follows:

(1) Planning board, (1) commercial property representative, (1) institutional (Village Chapel, Old Baldy, BHI Club, BHI Conservancy), (4) property owners, (1) back-up/alternate member

If you are interested in serving on this committee, please apply. Applications can be downloaded HERE or a copy can be obtained at the reception desk at Village Hall.  Please enter “Master Plan Committee” in the blank labeled “other.” The final selection of committee members will be made during the open session of the Village Council meeting on October 21, 2022.  Applications must be submitted by Friday, October 14, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. to provide ample time for council members to review background qualifications.  

The Committee’s first meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2022. This will be a general orientation to the planning process, establishing the structure for input and review, and an overview of the project schedule.