- Sewer smoke testing taking place tomorrow (1/31/25).
- Intermittent road closures near Village Common Park as crews work on landscape improvements.
- Bald Head Woods Reserve receives recognition as an old-growth forest.
- Verizon contractors are on the island this week to improve equipment on the cell tower.
- 2025 CSDR Project update.
- Village Council Annual Retreat is next week (Monday and Tuesday) – a preview of the topics.
- The next regular Village Council meeting is on Tuesday, February 4, immediately following the retreat (approximately 1:30 p.m.).
- Annual golf cart registrations are due, renew now.
Smoke Testing
The Village of Bald Head Island has contracted Withers Ravenel to conduct a smoke test survey in two areas of the island — near the BHI marina and a section of S Bald Head Wynd near Muscadine east to Kinross Court — (map HERE), beginning tomorrow, Friday, January 31. It is expected to take one day, but if unfinished they would likely return Monday 2/3 to finish the work. A heavy rain event may delay the smoke test survey.

For more information, view our notice HERE. Consumers in these areas have been contacted via the CodeRed notification system to inform them in advance of the project.
Road Closures
Work on the Village Common Landscape Improvement Project is in progress. Starting today (1/31/25) sections of Chicamacomico Way and Kinnakeet Way near the park will be closed off alternately while crews make landscape improvements. The outcome can potentially serve as a baseline for the long-term maintenance of this park. The Village Council accepted an anonymous donation of $25,000 for this project in December.

Bald Head Woods Reserve
Yesterday, Bald Head Woods Reserve was recognized as an old-growth forest by the Old-Growth Forest Network. Mayor Peter Quinn and Village Manager Chris McCall attended the ceremony at the foot of the ancient Timmons Oak along with NC Coast Reserve Staff (Elizabeth Pinnix, Anna Poston, Rebecca Ellin), Daniel Camacho, County Coordinator for the Old-Growth Forest Network, Laurie Hamon, Pollinator Biologist from the NC Natural Heritage Program, BHI Conservancy Staff (Chris Shank, Beth Darrow, Jennifer Wiggen, Paul Hillbrand, and Heather Barisco), Stephanie Kelly, a citizen member of the Bald Head Woods Advisory Committee, long-time BHI residents, Harper Peterson and Rex Cowdry. Mr. Camacho presented Reserve staff with signs that will be posted at the site. The ceremony was followed by a short hike.

The Old-Growth Forest Network is the only national network in the U.S. of protected, old-growth, native forests where people of all generations can experience biodiversity and the beauty of nature. Its goal is to locate and designate at least one protected forest in every county in the United States that can sustain a native forest. To achieve this aim they work to identify forests for the Network, ensure their protection, and inform people of the forest locations.
We are all very proud to have Bald Head Woods included in the network and appreciate the Mitchell family for making sure it was preserved years ago. More info HERE.

Verizon Cell Service Update
Verizon contractors are on the island this week to make improvements to the equipment on the cell tower. Work is expected to be completed this week. Equipment is expected to come online in February and a Verizon representative is supposed to contact the Village once the work is completed and equipment is online.

2025 CSDR Project Update
The dredging contractor has placed over 578,643 cubic yards of material in the west-end portion of the project. As of yesterday, beach fill had been placed up to Beach Access #23, near the west end of Silversides Trail.
The west end phase of the project is almost complete with less than 6,500 cubic yards of material left to fill the template which will stop near the west end of Peppervine Trail. Then the dredge pipe will be extended further down South Beach and sand placement for the east end phase will resume near 805 S Bald Head Wynd and continue past the Shoals Club.

To date, the contractor removing and replacing the soft-tube groins (McPherson Marine Services) has completely excavated and installed eight of the thirteen tubes. When they recently started excavating tube # 13, near Beach Access #17 (Black Skimmer Trail), they discovered they may undermine the crossover, so it has been closed for the public’s safety. Beach Access #15 is closed for the same reason. Damage to the crossovers will be repaired as quickly as possible.

Please help the construction crew by being mindful of the construction fencing and signage. Do not go beyond any signage or barriers as doing so may place yourself and others in harm’s way.
The Village will continue updating the project webpage (HERE) and posting on its social media channels (HERE) as the project progresses. Please direct any questions to the Village Public Information Officer at or (910) 457-9700 ext. 1025.
Annual Council Retreat
Each year the Council holds an open retreat to meet with consultants, outside specialists, department heads, and other Island entities. The intent is to reorient, update data, and strategize areas of focus for the upcoming year including potential budget implications. This year’s retreat will be taking place next week on Monday (February 3) and Tuesday (February 4).
A few of the topics include:
- Shoreline Management
- Federal & State Funding Priorities
- Wastewater Treatment Plan Expansion Final Engineering & Design
- Stormwater Management & Floodwater Management (Private Pumping)
- BHI Conservancy Environmental Overview
The full agenda will be posted online HERE. All are welcome to attend in person or online. If you are unable to attend, we will publish a written recap HERE and upload the presentations to our YouTube channel.
Next Regular Village Council Meeting
The next regular Village Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 4, 2025, following the conclusion of the Council Retreat (around 1:30 p.m.). The agenda for the regular meeting will be posted HERE. Zoom information for listening remotely can be found HERE.

Annual Golf Cart Registration
If you have not already applied for your annual golf cart registration renewal(s), now is the time to do so. This must be done online. A “2025 Golf Cart Registration Renewal” button has been added to the Village’s webpage (HERE).
This year, please note the date you submitted your renewal. The Village’s webpage will be updated regularly as stickers are available for pick-up at the Department of Public Safety.
As of the publication of this announcement, all renewals submitted through January 26, 2025, have been processed.