Thank you to everyone who came out to the Blueprint Brunswick Open House on Wednesday. If you were unable to attend, you still have the opportunity to participate in the process by filling out a comment card or survey. Hard copies of the survey and the comment card are available at Village Hall and in the Island Package Center & Post Office. On the back of the comment card is a QR code to access the online survey. Surveys and comment cards are to be turned in to the reception desk at Village Hall. The survey is also available online HERE. You can send comments electronically on the Blueprint Brunswick webpage HERE.
Below are some of the questions that were asked at the open house, and some of the answers your fellow Islanders provided.
What are the most pressing issues the Village is facing?

What are the opportunities that lie ahead for the Village?

What are the priorities for the Village?

Islanders were asked to place coins in the jars for their top three goals and objectives from the list that was created from input received earlier from all of Brunswick County. The list can be viewed HERE.
Which place types do you support and where?

Islanders reviewed a draft future land use map for purposes of discussion and provided input on what place types they would like to see and where. HERE is the Village’s current future land use map. Let us know your thoughts on what you would like to see.
Surveys and comments are due by March 31, 2022. This is so that the County and its consultants can take the information gathered and have something for folks to look over at the second open house which is scheduled for Thursday, April 14, 2022, between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. in the multipurpose room in the Department of Public Safety building. This meeting will further refine priority goals, the future land use map, and policy ideas and actions. This information will be used to create a draft document that will be adopted by the Village Council before July 1, 2022 (per NC General Statute).
Thanks again to everyone who attended. We look forward to seeing everyone on April 14th!