COVID-19 Update:
- NC will transition into Phase 3 on October 2, 2020
- Current case numbers for Brunswick County
- REMINDER: Please wear a face covering while in Village Hall and the IPC/PO
Non-COVID-19 Items:
- New Public Safety Director
- Update on Hurricane Isaias Debris Removal
- REMINDERS – Seasonal ferry schedule changes begin tomorrow (10/1), voting in the 2020 election, annual change from chloramines to chlorine, drone flying, flu shot event, 2020 Census.
COVID-19 Update
Phase 3 will begin this Friday – North Carolina will transition into Phase 3 on Friday, October 2, 2020. This phase will last until at least October 23, 2020, unless the Governor repeals, replaces, or rescinds his executive order by another executive order. Under this phase, vulnerable populations are encouraged to stay at home. Per the Governor’s Phase 3 Executive Order most folks still must wear face coverings/masks in indoor and outdoor public places where social distancing is not possible. The age requirement for masks remains children down to age 5. Changes from the Phase 3 order include:
- Large outdoor venues (seating > 10,000) open at 7% occupancy.
- Smaller outdoor venues open at 30% of outdoor capacity, or 100, whichever is less.
- Movie theaters & conference centers open indoors at 30% capacity, or 100, whichever is less.
- Bars are to be open outdoor only at 30% of capacity, or 100, whichever is less.
- Outdoor amusement parks open at 30% capacity.
Mass gathering limits will remain at 25 indoors and 50 outdoors. The current alcohol sales curfew (11:00 p.m.) will be extended. FAQ’s about the Phase 3 Executive Order can be found HERE.
The Village strongly recommends that folks continue to practice the 3 W’s while in public and to be courteous to others.
Current Case Numbers for Brunswick County – As of September 30, 2020, there are 1,626 positive cases of COVID-19 among Brunswick County residents. Of the positive cases, 1,504 are considered recovered, 89 are isolating at home, 6 are isolating at a hospital, and 27 are deaths associated to COVID-19.
There are 17 cases involving non-residents who tested positive for COVID-19 while visiting Brunswick County, resulting in their contacts having to quarantine as well; these cases are not reflected in the County’s total case counts. Twelve of the cases are considered recovered, none of the cases are currently isolating at home. The County has transferred monitoring for three cases to the individuals’ home counties, and two are deaths associated to COVID-19.
REMINDER: Wear Face Coverings in Village Buildings – Please remember to wear a face covering while you are in the Island Package Center/Post Office and Village Hall. The Village is seeing increased foot traffic in both buildings and there is more staff present on the island so we would like to be careful not to have any of our workforce exposed. Outside of times when public meetings are held, the Public Safety Building remains closed to the public and business is transacted by appointment only to protect our first responders. Flu shots will be given in the bays of the Public Safety Building (please go to the back of the building).
Non-COVID-19 Items

New Public Safety Director – Please welcome Alan May, the Village’s new Public Safety Director. Today was his first day on the job. May began his law enforcement career in the 1980s as a police officer for the New York City Police Department and most recently worked in Florida and North Carolina. His full bio will be posted on the Public Safety Department’s webpage HERE and will be published in the November Island Report.
Hurricane Isaias Debris Removal – The Village’s debris management contractor completed debris pick-up last Tuesday. Island Contracting is currently mulching the debris at the Swan Quarter site. Thanks again to the islanders who stepped up and volunteered with debris monitoring and traffic control.
- Seasonal Ferry Schedule – Begins tomorrow (Thursday, October 1, 2020) to view it click HERE.
- Annual change from chloramines to chlorine – Taking place through the end of October/early November more info HERE.
- Voting in the 2020 Election –If voting absentee, you should not wait until the last minute to mail in your ballot since mail on the island can be delayed for a number of reasons. FAQs can be found HERE. Please contact the Brunswick County Board of Elections if you have further questions.
- Drone Flying – The Conservancy’s project to map beach vitex will continue through the fall and should wrap-up before the holidays. More information HERE.
- Flu Shot Event – Is this Friday (10/2) if you made an appointment, please remember to wear a short-sleeve shirt and to bring your insurance card, ID, and face covering. Park around back at the Public Safety Building. More information HERE.
- Smart Meter Installs – Begin on Monday, October 19, 2020, more info HERE.
- 2020 Census – The deadline to complete the 2020 census is today. The US Census Bureau will be sending census takers to homes so please fill out your census online before one visits your home. The census workers will wear masks and follow safety protocols. If you have not responded please do so now at