- The Village is keeping an eye on Hurricane Lee.
- Deadline for Commercial Review Board applications is tomorrow (9/8) by 5:00 p.m.
- Precautionary swimming advisory due to TS Idalia has been lifted for BHI and most NC beaches.
- The inaugural class for the traditional school of 2023-2024 for BHI Academy began this week.
- The next regular Village Council meeting is on Friday, September 15, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.
- Tip or toss to prevent mosquitos from breeding.
- Post office box annual renewal.
Hurricane Lee
The Village is monitoring Hurricane Lee which is forecast to become a major hurricane by Friday. The Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, the Bahamas, and Bermuda are expected to experience swells generated by Lee this weekend.

CRB Application Deadline
The Village Council is seeking members for the newly created Commercial Review Board (CRB). A description of what the CRB does, straight from the draft Commercial Design Standards, can be found HERE on the Village’s website.
Those interested in serving on the CRB must fill out an application which can be downloaded HERE, or a paper copy can be picked up at Village Hall, see Darcy Sperry, Village Clerk. Applications are due to the Village Clerk by tomorrow, Friday, September 8, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.
Swimming Advisory Lifted
The precautionary advisory from the NC Recreation Water Quality program that was issued for waters south of Kitty Hawk to the South Carolina State Line due to Tropical Storm Idalia has been lifted for most areas of North Carolina, including Bald Head Island. Read the full notice from NC DEQ HERE.
BHI Academy
The ribbon was cut, and doors opened at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at the Bald Head Island Academy to kick off its inaugural school year for the traditional school. A few of the Village’s Public Safety Officers were there to share in the occasion, participate in the ribbon cutting, and welcome each of the scholars on their first day of class.

Sheree Vaickus, Chief Operating Officer of the academy, thanked the Village for its trust and decision to take this journey with the Academy. Vaickus said, “I can state with complete confidence that the staff and faculty, and its Board of the Academy are not just the best-of-the-best professionals in their field–they are so much more than that,” she added, “they are profoundly dedicated to solving decades of how this Nation and education has failed our children and our society; they are absolutely passionate about educating these children. Their commitment to excellence is rooted deep within them and it will translate into our wonderful community and our scholars.”
Marina Channel Maintenance
The Village’s dredging contractor arrived last week, but because of TS Idalia, did not get started until the last couple of days. Maintenance of the marina channel entrance and the sand bypass area is expected to continue through this week as long as the weather holds up. This maintenance dredging keeps the marina channel entrance navigable for the ferries, barge, and other vessels. An additional benefit is that the material removed from the channel and the sand bypass area is placed on the shoreline in front of homes on Row Boat Row. The Village receives a grant from the State through the Shallow Draft Navigation Channel Dredging fund which pays for 2/3 of the cost of this maintenance.

Next Regular Council Meeting
The next regular Village Council Meeting is scheduled for September 15, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. in the multi-purpose room in the Department of Public Safety (273 Edward Teach Ext.). The agenda will be posted HERE. Zoom information to listen-in remotely can be found HERE.
Mosquito Control
Temperatures are still warm enough for mosquitos to thrive. These pests are not only annoying but can also carry diseases such as West Nile Virus, chikungunya, or Zika Virus.
The best way to protect ourselves and lessen the chance of annoying mosquito bites and potential diseases is to keep them from breeding. The most effective way to prevent breeding is to eliminate standing water around the home and in the yard. Mosquitos lay eggs in water and even something as small as a bottle cap of water can be a place for them to breed.
Please do your part by checking around your home and yard now and after every rain to make sure you do not have any items that are collecting water. If you find an item with water in it and you would like to keep it “tip it” so that it is empty of water. If you find an item with water in it and you do not want it, “toss it” so it will not be around to collect water again.
Owners of vessels at the Creek Access or Boat Yard, please make sure your vessel or its covering is not collecting water, if so, please tip it and do so regularly to prevent standing water.
PO Box Annual Renewal
Island Package Center & Post Office staff wants to remind PO box holders that they need to get their annual renewal forms turned in as soon as possible. Box holders who have an expired PO box should have received a blank renewal form in their box. Forms are also available at the counter. Please make sure to use your Bald Head Island address and not your off-island address when filling out the form. Completed forms should be handed to IPC/PO staff at the counter.