Before a Hurricane

Below are a few steps you can take now:

Sign up for the CODE RED Notification System

The Village of Bald Head Island utilizes an emergency notification system known as CODE RED.  Village of Bald Head Island citizens can (Click Here) to register to receive emergency messaging and updates about specific events (i.e. hurricanes and/or tropical storms).  This system will be used in addition to the Village’s Voice to send important messages via phone, email, and text. Registrants can choose which methods of contact they prefer.

Create an emergency communication plan with your family, friends, and neighbors. This plan spells out how everyone will contact each other.

Create an emergency preparation plan for your property to include emptying refrigerators/freezers (including the ice machine & turning it off); securing outdoor furniture, clearing loose and clogged rain gutters and downspouts, moving golf carts to higher ground if on a lot with flooding tendencies.  If you move your golf cart, you do it at your own risk. The Village is not responsible for damaged golf carts.

If you have a “house check” service with a property manager, building contractor, or other trusted source, reach out to them to establish communications before, during, and after the event passes.

Build an emergency kit. Keep it ready at home, at work, and in your golf cart.

Check your insurance coverage. Damage caused by heavy winds, wind-driven rain, and flooding may not be covered by homeowner’s insurance policies. Buy flood insurance.  Buy golf cart insurance (considered much like an automobile policy).  Review this publication from the NC Department of Insurance for more information.

Have an evacuation plan. Know the evacuation routes ahead of time. For permanent residents on the island, it is critical to have a plan for alternative living arrangements (include medications), which could extend into several weeks in the case of major damage to the Island. 

Download an emergency weather app on your phone and purchase a weather radio.

Keep all important documents in a waterproof container to take with you if you evacuate.

Identify the safest place in your home.  In case of a tornado and/or flooding.  For a tornado, this would be a small interior windowless room or hallway on the lowest floor.

If a hurricane is likely to impact where you are:

Stay informed about current conditions.  Listen to local officials, TV, and radio, monitor weather forecasts, and heed evacuation orders.

Secure your home.  Close storm shutters, and secure outdoor objects or bring them indoors. Do all tasks in your emergency preparation plan for your property and make a home inventory.

Turn off propane tanks.

Turn off utilities if instructed to do so.

You should evacuate under the following conditions:

  • If you are directed by the Village to evacuate, do so as soon as possible.  It will take a while to get everyone off of the island by ferry.  This may be why the island would issue an evacuation order ahead of most other localities. Be sure to follow the instructions you are given.
  • If you feel you are in danger.
  • If you are on the coast, on a floodplain, near a river, or on an inland waterway.  Which would mean if you are on Bald Head Island, you should evacuate.

The Village strongly encourages following evacuation orders as they are issued. However, if you choose to remain on Bald Head Island despite a mandatory evacuation, we need to hear from you. Please contact Public Safety at 910-457-5252 or by email with your name, address, and phone number. 

Several factors are considered when issuing an evacuation order.  Among those are the protection of life, health, and safety.  When the Village loses electricity the sewer system is impacted.  The sewer system cannot handle a large number of people on the system during a long-term power outage.  Loss of sewer can become a serious public health issue.