In this issue:
- Highlights from the Village Council annual retreat.
- Highlights from the February Village Council regular meeting.
- FY26 budget preparation is underway, how you can participate.
- Illegal water meter tampering during the recent freeze.
- Multi-year hydrant project underway.
- Hydrant flow testing will take place 2/26 – 3/3.
- Verizon cell service update.
- 2025 CSDR Project update.
Reminders & Events:
- Smoke testing will take place on the island on Monday, February 24, 2025
- The ICE Vehicle & Trailer Town Hall is on Tuesday, February 25, 2025
- The next regular Village Council meeting is on Friday, March 21, 2025.
- The next Badwater Cape Fear race is on March 22, 2025.
- Golf cart registration renewals were due on January 1, 2025.
- Wipes clog pipes! A reminder from Village Utilities.
Village Council Annual Retreat
Each year the Council holds an open retreat to meet with consultants, outside specialists, department heads, and other Island entities. The intent is to reorient, update data, and strategize areas of focus for the upcoming year including potential budget implications.
This year’s retreat took place on Monday, February 3, and Tuesday, February 4, 2025. Video of each retreat topic has been uploaded and organized into a YouTube playlist found HERE. A written recap of what was presented and discussed can be found HERE.
Below are a few highlights:
- A shoreline management update presentation from the Village’s coastal engineer. A beach management sustainability study was proposed to plan for future shoreline needs.
- A presentation from the Bald Head Island Conservancy on the Conservancy’s environmental services contract with the Village. The rise in deer population was a large part of the discussion.
- A presentation from Jim Cornette from Applied Resource Management on BHI’s hydrologic cycle discussed the impact of large rainfall events on the island.
- A presentation from the Development Services Director, Stephen Boyett, on Floodplain Management. He discussed several definitions related to development in flood zones, the main cause of flooding events on BHI, what to expect during significant rainfall events, and frequently asked questions from the public.
- Presentations from Village staff – the Public Safety Chief, Public Services Director, and Finance Director which included information on budgetary needs for the departments, preliminary revenue estimates, and potential budget impacts,
Village Council Regular Meeting
The Village Council conducted its last regular meeting on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, immediately following the annual retreat. A full recap of the meeting is on our website HERE.
Below are a few highlights:
- Village Council unanimously approved a subdivision request (Cape Fear Station, Six on the Beach, Lot #4101, Parcel #26500062).
- Staff introduced a draft ordinance to regulate the lighting of beach bonfires (first reading) which updates the Village’s existing ordinance to allow flexibility when they can start in the fall. There were other small changes in the permit application process and timing. Village Council had suggestions for counsel regarding commercial entities. This item is expected to be on the Council’s March 21 agenda.
A full account of these meetings can be found in the minutes which are posted HERE. Typically, minutes are posted with the agenda of next month’s meeting (e.g. If you want to read the August meeting minutes, they can be found under the September regular meeting agenda).
FY26 Budget Preparation
Like last year the Village will assist taxpayers in keeping up with the budget process by placing all the meeting/workshop information, documents, and resources in one place. Our “Annual Budget” webpage can be found HERE. Taxpayers will have access to the budget schedule, video of the budget workshop(s), presentation slides, meeting minutes, and any additional information produced as part of the Council’s deliberation on the FY26 budget. Taxpayers are encouraged to submit questions and comments.
Water Meter Tampering
The Village is aware of a few homes that had a water line break due to the recent freezing temperatures. In some instances, residents and/or contractors tampered with Village Utilities meters. Tampering with water meters is ILLEGAL (North Carolina General Statute 14-151.1) and can result in a fine. Please contact Village Utilities if you need assistance with any water service issues. Please call (910) 457-9700 ext. 1000 for service issues between 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and (910) 616-7716 after hours.

Multi-Year Hydrant Project Underway
The Village’s contractor Water Worx was on the island this week. They were servicing and painting 30 hydrants around the island that were identified as needing refurbishment and/or servicing.
This is a multi-year project which will conclude with all hydrants on the island receiving necessary maintenance.

Hydrant Flow Testing
Sunland Fire Protection will conduct hydrant flow testing on the island from Tuesday, February 26 through Monday, March 3, 2025. Specific locations of the testing are not available at this time. If the Village is able, we will notify property owners in the impacted areas via a CodeRED notification. Fire hydrant testing like this ensures the ability to provide water at an acceptable pressure and flow rate for public health and firefighting operations.
If you experience discolored water, refer to our fact sheet on discolored water HERE.
Verizon Update
Verizon contractors completed improvements to the equipment on the cell tower. Equipment is “fully on air” according to the Verizon representative who was in contact with the Village. Verizon reported seeing improved coverage from their end. Islanders are reporting much-improved service in several areas of the island.
2025 CSDR Project Update
The contractor removing and replacing the soft-tube groins completed this work on February 16. The Dredge Savannah was down earlier this week for a shoreline repair. Operations resumed yesterday (2/20) morning at around 11:30 a.m. As of this morning, sand placement was located just east of the Captain Charlie’s cottages (Captain Charlies Ct). The Village and the Shoals Club are in contact in anticipation of the beach fill reaching that area. The contractor will be carefully filling around the Shoals’ sandbags as needed. The current estimated completion date of the project is March 10, 2025, but it is subject to change due to possible weather and mechanical delays.
The Village will continue updating the project webpage (HERE) and posting on its social media channels (HERE) as the project progresses. Please direct any questions to the Village Public Information Officer at or (910) 457-9700 ext. 1025.
Smoke Testing
WithersRavenel will return to the island on Monday, February 24, 2025, to complete smoke testing in the remaining section of the project area (a section of S. Bald Head Wynd – map HERE). Property owners in the remaining section are being notified via the CodeRED notification system.
For more information, go to our Utilities webpage under “NOTICES” HERE.

ICE Vehicle & Trailer Town Hall
Village is seeking input on the usage of ICE vehicles & trailers on the island to make necessary changes to the Village ordinances that will:
- Promote public safety.
- Encourage the use of electric options.
- Provide realistic options based on what is available on the market.
If you use ICE vehicles or trailers on BHI, please attend the ICE Vehicle & Trailer Town Hall on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. at the Department of Public Safety.

Next Regular Council Meeting
The next regular Village Council Meeting is on Friday, March 21, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. The agenda will be posted HERE. Zoom information to listen-in remotely can be found HERE.
Badwater Cape Fear
The Badwater Ultra Running Race is scheduled for Saturday, March 22, 2025. This all-day race will take place on several Village wynds, and Public Safety will provide traffic control. Other activities for the participants will be taking place on the Island beginning Friday. More information about the race can be found HERE.
Annual Golf Cart Registration
If you have not already applied for your annual golf cart registration renewal(s), now is the time to do so. This must be done online. A “2025 Golf Cart Registration Renewal” button has been added to the Village’s webpage (HERE). This year, please note the date you submitted your renewal. The Village’s webpage will be updated regularly as stickers are available for pick-up at the Department of Public Safety.
As of the publication of this announcement, all renewals submitted through February 17, 2025, have been processed.

Wipes Clog Pipes!
The Village Utilities department would like to remind Islanders to avoid flushing items that should not be flushed down the toilet, this includes wipes that are labeled “flushable.” These are not to be flushed no matter what the package says. Toilet paper is the only product designed to break down in a sewer system. When anything else is flushed – wipes, paper towels, adult diapers, gloves, sanitary products, etc. – it can combine with fats in the sewer system to make a nasty clump that blocks pipes. If the blockage is severe enough, it can lead to sewer overflows and expensive wear and tear on our infrastructure.
Help our Village Utilities crews protect the Village’s wastewater system:
- Never flush products other than toilet paper.
- Keep fats, oils, and grease out of your kitchen sink (tips on that HERE).
- Report sewer emergencies by calling (910) 457-9700 ext. 1000 or (910) 616-7716 (after hours).

Bald Head Association events can be found HERE.
Old Baldy Foundation events can be found HERE.
BHI Conservancy events can be found HERE.
Village Chapel events can be found HERE.
Project Longevity event info HERE.
The Village calendar can be found HERE.
Find us on Linktree.