Idalia Update 4

8/31/2023 – 1:30 p.m.

Village offices will re-open tomorrow morning on time, this includes the Island Package Center and Post Office and Public Safety administration.  If you need a Public Safety Officer to come to you, please call 911 and let the operator know you are on Bald Head Island.

USPS mail will not be making it over to the island today.  We expect to be able to get it delivered to the island tomorrow and put up by mid-to-late afternoon.  FedEx and UPS packages always come via barge, so delivery is dependent on the barge resuming service tomorrow. That is yet to-be-determined.  If the barge does not run tomorrow, packages will be delivered to the island on Tuesday at the earliest because of the Labor Day holiday. Check the Village’s IPC/PO webpage and our social media channels for updates on mail and package status. Please also use our package tracker to check on the status of your packages (HERE).

All roadway obstructions have been removed. All other roadways have small branches/twigs/leaves and Public Services will be getting out there to take care of that as soon as possible. Some of this work may be delayed until tomorrow if our Public Services crew does not make it to the island to provide relief this afternoon.

Village-owned properties were checked for damage and no damage was found.  All island businesses were checked from the outside and there was no visible damage.  West Beach, East Beach, and South Beach shorelines were assessed and found to be in good shape with no noticeable erosion.

The rip current risk level is high and is expected to remain high over the next few days. Beachgoers are advised to stay out of the water while this condition persists.  Always “know before you go” and check the beach forecast, you can do that online HERE

In addition to the rip current risks, North Carolina state officials have issued a precautionary advisory against swimming in coastal waters that were impacted by Tropical Storm Idalia.  Since these types of weather events bring excessive amounts of rain, storm surge and flooding, the level of harmful bacteria could be elevated at a level that can cause illness. 

The state indicated in its advisory that, “residents and visitors should avoid swimming in these waters until bacteriological testing indicates sample results within the state’s and Environmental Protection Agency’s standards. Testing will begin as soon as conditions are safe, and areas are accessible. The advisory will be lifted in part or in whole as test results become available.”  You can check for updates on the program’s website HERE or Twitter feed HERE.  The Village will share updates as they are received.  Please note this is a precautionary advisory and beachgoers who wish to swim in the ocean are doing so at their own risk. Please do not call law enforcement unless you see a swimmer in distress.

This will be the last Idalia update from the Village.  A solo announcement will be distributed and shared on social media when ferry service has resumed.  The Village has indicated an “all clear” on our end.