Key information:
- Follow up on reported unacceptable behavior.
- The hardened structure was declared law, now what?
- It’s Golf Cart Safety Awareness Month. Take our quiz for a chance to win!
- The next Village Council meeting is this Friday, July 19, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.
- It is illegal to park next to the post and ropes on SE Beach Drive.
- Dosher Clinic on BHI is open on Mondays and Thursdays.
Unacceptable Behavior
In follow up to the Mayor’s Message and the BHI Conservancy’s post on Friday, the Village would like to thank all who have provided input on this matter. The Mayor, Village Manager, and Assistant Village Manager met this morning to receive a briefing from the Public Safety Chief. Village staff will be meeting with BHI Conservancy Executive Director and his staff to seek solutions.
Chief Gibson has reached out to other communities for best practices that may be considered as options for Bald Head Island. He will present additional background information and recommendations at this Friday’s Village Council Meeting (details below). The Village Council is expected to discuss the options. Any ordinance changes will be made after a noticed public hearing per current Village Council policy.
The Village understands that this behavior is not just an issue for the Conservancy and is impacting Islanders in other areas of the island. Please continue to provide feedback at
Hardened Structure
The hardened structure bill made it to Governor Cooper’s desk for signature on June 28, since the Governor failed to approve it within the time prescribed by law, the law was declared to become law on July 9. Mayor Quinn has gone on record and the Village has reported (HERE under HB 365 & HERE) that “the investigation into a hardened structure is a multi-year investigation that will not be rushed.”
The existing terminal groin (which is a type of hardened structure) took a minimum of 5 years to get from legislation to completion. No earlier than spring 2025, the Village’s coastal engineer will begin evaluating the performance of the beach fill that will be placed this fall as part of the 2025 Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project. Typically, the Village receives its annual beach monitoring report in late summer and the coastal engineers make recommendations on any engineering or permitting needs at the Village Council’s annual retreat (usually in February). The Village will be providing updates on shoreline protection as it does monthly to keep everyone informed.
Should the Village choose to pursue a permit for a hardened structure at any point in time, the items below will need to be accomplished:
- The Village’s coastal engineer will have to perform an intensive model of the shoreline. For the TG this took 18 months, for this area, a minimum of 24 months will be needed.
- NEPA/EIS process – This is the National Environmental Policy Act and Environmental Impact Study process, the same process the Section 403 Harbor Deepening project is going through. This will take 18-24 months and will include public scoping meetings and public comment periods in which BHI Conservancy and all island stakeholders will be invited to participate.
- IF a favorable “record of decision” is received, the Village will proceed with Corps/NC Division of Coastal Management CAMA permitting which would take 150 days. These permit applications go through a “clearing house” process in which various departments under NC Department of Environmental Quality will review (Marine Fisheries, Water Quality, Water Recreation & Shellfish, Turtle Coordinator, Wildlife Resources, US Fish & Wildlife, USACE – BHI Conservancy would be consulted).
- After the EIS and before and during the permitting process financing would be discussed. GO Bond and LGC approval process would be initiated if necessary which would provide an additional opportunity for public input (bond referendum & election).

Golf Cart Safety Awareness Month
July is Golf Cart Safety Awareness Month! You can participate by taking the Golf Cart Safety Awareness Month Quiz! You can pick up a hard copy at the Department of Public Safety, Village Hall, or the Island Package Center. Turn in your answers and you will be entered to win one of three prizes! A gift certificate for Turtle Central, a golf cart seat cover, or a Village of Bald Head Island tumbler. More info HERE.
Next Regular Council Meeting
The next regular Village Council Meeting is scheduled for this Friday, July 19, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. in the multi-purpose room in the Department of Public Safety (273 Edward Teach Ext.). The agenda will be posted HERE. Zoom information to listen in remotely can be found HERE.

Illegal Parking on SE Beach Drive
Post and rope were installed to prevent the area of SE Beach Drive and Station House Way from getting congested and allow emergency vehicles to pass through. Please use the overflow parking on Station House Way if the BA #42 parking lot is full. You will get a ticket if you park next to the post and rope per ordinance Section 28-33 – no vehicle or trailer shall be left unattended in a location where it impedes traffic or emergency vehicle access or transit.

Dosher Clinic
Dosher Clinic is now seeing patients at the Department of Public Safety for the 2024 peak season. It will be operating through August 29, 2024, on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The clinic provides telehealth services, and a medical assistant or nurse is on the island to support the patient and telemedicine cart. For more information, please view our webpage HERE.