Video and Slides Available from GO Bond Town Hall

The Village would like to thank everyone who attended the GO Bond Town Hall yesterday.  The presentation slides are available online HERE.  A recording of the meeting has been uploaded to the Village’s YouTube channel and can be viewed HERE.  The Town Hall consisted of a presentation followed by a Q&A session.  The positive aspects, … Continued

REMINDER GO Bond Town Hall Tomorrow

The GO Bond Town Hall is taking place tomorrow, Wednesday, October 13, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. Space is limited due to social distancing, so attendees are encouraged to attend via Zoom. Zoom information is HERE.   The town hall will consist of a short presentation followed by a Q&A session.  In-person attendees will be given the opportunity … Continued

Isolated Power Outage

Approximately 412 customers on Bald Head Island have been without power since yesterday afternoon. Duke Energy is working to get power restored as soon as possible. With power out for that length of time, lift stations could be affected. The outage has impacted the Ibis Roost and Sabal Palms Village areas and the VIllage is … Continued

More GO Bond Referendum Info Available

The Village would like to thank Islanders for submitting their questions about the GO bond referendum.  The GO Bond Town Hall is on Wednesday, October 13, 2021, at 10:00 a.m.  Space is limited due to social distancing, so attendees are encouraged to attend via Zoom. Zoom information is HERE.   The town hall will consist of … Continued

Updates & Reminders

Key information: GO Bond Town Hall on Wednesday, October 13, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. – please send your questions in by TOMORROW at 5:00 p.m. Duke Energy siren testing scheduled for Wednesday, October 13, 2021, between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. The next Village Council regular meeting will be on Friday, October 22, 2021. Reminders: … Continued

Village launches bond referendum webpage

The Village has created a dedicated webpage to provide property owners with critical information on the 2021 Bond Referendum (view the webpage HERE). The webpage provides the following: Background and timeline of Village actions to address the purchase price, transparency, and governance for the proposed Transportation Authority acquisition of the transportation system Description of a … Continued

Village to hold a GO Bond Town Hall on October 13

The Village is holding a GO Bond Town Hall on Wednesday, October 13, 2021, at 10:00 a.m.  This meeting will be held at the Public Safety Building in the multipurpose room.  Seating is limited to allow for social distancing so folks are encouraged to attend via Zoom.  Zoom access information can be found below.  The … Continued

Mayor Sayre Responds to September 24 Letter from BHA

Below is the content of a letter Mayor Sayre sent to the Bald Head Association Board of Directors earlier today. Ladies and Gentlemen: We are in receipt of the BHA Board letter of September 24 and believe that a response by the Village is necessary and appropriate.   As the Village and I have stated, … Continued

PSO to Run in the Badwater Cape Fear Race to Raise Donations for the PSA

Our very own Paul Homick, a Public Safety Officer with the Village will be running in this Saturday’s Badwater Cape Fear Race.  He will be fearlessly joining hundreds of runners and is determined to complete over half of the 51-mile marathon. As if taking part in this race is not impressive enough, Officer Homick would … Continued

Update on Village stormwater management efforts

This week, the Village received a total of approximately 4 ½” – 5” inches of rainfall.  Since it has been a while since the Island has received this much rainfall in a short period of time, the Village would like to update folks on what actions the Village takes when there are heavy rains and … Continued