Updates and Reminders

KEY INFORMATION: REMINDERS: Budget Workshop Last Friday’s budget workshop was recorded and is available for viewing HERE.  You can also access the PowerPoint slides and other information about the FY25 budget on our “Annual Budget” webpage HERE.   The Manager’s Budget Message will be posted to this webpage on Monday (5/6). The Village Council appreciates your … Continued

Village Council Responds to Requests for Information

At the Village’s April 19 Council meeting, several citizens expressed a desire for greater information concerning the Village’s pending legal efforts regarding the future of the Transportation System.  The Village prepared a status chart of the pending matters, (HERE) which will be updated.  The Village previously communicated about the importance of these matters to the … Continued

Village Launches TextMyGov

The Village of Bald Head Island is excited to announce the launch of TextMyGov service as another way for islanders to receive information from the Village and for you to communicate with us! You can sign up to receive notifications from the Village when we need to notify residents about road work, weather delays/closings, garbage … Continued

BHI Department of Public Safety Launches Community Connect

Bald Head Island’s Department of Public Safety is always looking for ways to better serve the citizens of Bald Head Island. For this reason, we are rolling out a new program to protect our residents and their property in the most effective way possible. Community Connect is a free, secure, and easy to use platform … Continued

Updates and Reminders

KEY INFORMATION: REMINDERS & EVENTS: Special Meeting A very quick (5 minutes!) special meeting of the Village Council took place this morning (March 28). The purpose of the meeting was to certify the Certificate of Canvass of the Brunswick County Board of Elections for the $13.5M and $4.5M GO Bond Referendum Elections.  The next step … Continued

Village Utilities Assessment per EPA Lead and Copper Rule

Village Utilities personnel have been assessing island properties per the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule.  This may require them to do a small amount of excavation to check the water lines at the meter.  All Village Utilities staff drive vehicles and wear uniforms with the Village of Bald Head Island logo and are authorized to … Continued

BHI Officials Take Village Interests to D.C.

This past Monday and Tuesday; the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, Village Manager, and Assistant Village manager joined our lobbyists to bring the Village’s interests to D.C. The focus of their efforts was to draw attention to the demands of our Waste Water Treatment Plant expansion, future coastal storm damage reduction strategies, and road paving and repair … Continued

NCSHP Helicopter on BHI this Wednesday

Several law enforcement officials are visiting Bald Head Island this week.  On Wednesday, an NC State Highway Patrol helicopter will transport officials to the island.  Residents, guests, and visitors near the landing zone at Sea Holly Court should be prepared for a morning landing and afternoon departure this Wednesday, March 20, 2024.  The alternate location … Continued

Village’s Statement on Trial Court’s Ruling on ROFR

We received today an order from the Superior Court of Brunswick County finding invalid the Village’s Right of First Refusal (ROFR) to acquire the Transportation System recorded in the Brunswick County Registry.  Although this is not the decision it sought, the Village appreciates the Trial Court’s consideration of the matter.  The Village will consider whether … Continued