In this Issue:
- A brief recap of the 10/23 regular Council meeting
- Halloween 2020 on BHI
- Winter passenger ferry schedule begins on November 1st
- Voting in the 2020 election
- Holiday mail and package tips from the Island Package Center & Post Office
- REMINDERS – NFIP CRS Rating, Village offices closed for Veteran’s Day, drone flying
- Current case numbers for Brunswick County
- Phase 3 could last until November 13, 2020
Council Meeting Recap – The Village Council conducted its regular meeting on Friday, October 23, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. A public hearing was held on an ordinance text amendment to add a definition for brewery and to allow them as a conditional use in the PD-2C Zoning district. The Village received over 80 comments on the proposed amendment. Under Old Business, the Village Council adopted the text amendment as presented, unanimously. Under New Business, the Village Council adopted a budget amendment to pay for the second phase of upgrades to the Utilities Department’s telemetric equipment, adopted a resolution requesting State assistance for the Village’s Marina Channel Maintenance Program, and approved the Brunswick County Emergency Services Franchise agreement, which allows the Village to receive County funding for emergency services.
The Village Council also discussed underage driving of golf carts in response to islander’s concerns that this is being observed more frequently. Village staff will be increasing communication and awareness of the law and the associated fine by moving the mobile signs around, distributing magnets, and ensuring stickers are provided with all new golf cart registrations. If you have a golf cart that needs a sticker, you can pick them up at Village Hall. It is important to make sure any carts that are used by guests have a sticker, so they are aware of the law.
The Village Manager updated the Council on several pending/proposed projects to include stormwater management, right-of-way and median maintenance, storm debris management, Marina Park dock and pier, and road paving. For up-to-date information about these projects and others, visit our Village Projects webpage HERE. Village Staff updates this page regularly as we receive information and answer questions from the public.
A full account of these meetings can be found in the minutes which are posted HERE. Typically, minutes are posted with the agenda of the next month’s meeting (ex. If you want to read the September meeting minutes, they will be found under the October regular meeting agenda).
Halloween 2020 on Bald Head Island – Halloween on BHI, like everywhere else, will be different this year. Due to COVID-19 and its associated remote school and work options, more families are expected to be spending the holiday on the island. Trick or treating will take place on Halloween day (Saturday, 10/31) between 1:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Participating homes are encouraged to place candy in prepackaged goody bags which can be picked up from a table or dropped into a child’s bag with minimal contact. A list of folks who will be handing out candy will be available at the Maritime Market.
The Village would like all BHI families to have the best time possible and has developed a flyer with some tips to keep everyone who is participating in trick or treating healthy and safe this year. Click HERE for the flyer.
Winter Ferry Schedule: Bald Head Island Transportation, Inc. released the following regarding the winter ferry schedule:
Ferry service between Deep Point and Bald Head Island will commence operating on the Winter Seasonal Schedule, Supplement No. 11 to NCUC No. 7, Item Number 54-C beginning on November 1, 2020.
Beginning on November 1, 2020, the Regular Passenger Ferry will not make the 11:30 AM departure from the Island or the 12:00 PM departure from Deep Point, Monday through Saturday.
Go to and click Passenger Schedule for full details.
Voting in the 2020 Election: One-stop early voting will be taking place through October 31, 2020. If you choose to go to the polls on election day next Tuesday, the Board of Elections is taking several precautions to keep folks socially distanced and areas clean to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Some polling places have changed this year to larger venues to spread out polling booths and accommodate voters. The election day polling place for Bald Head Island citizens has not changed.
Citizens are encouraged to contact Brunswick County Board of Elections for any questions about voting. The Board of Elections website includes a comprehensive list of FAQs.
Holiday Mail & Package Tips – With the holidays right around the corner, the Bald Head Island Post Office and Island Package Center (IPC) has a few tips and reminders if you are planning to mail and ship items from the island or if you are planning to have items shipped to the island this season.
Reminder – BHI Outgoing Mail & Package Schedule:
U.S. Mail – U.S. mail leaves the island Monday through Friday on the 2:30 p.m. passenger ferry. Please have mail in the outbound mailbox no later than 2:15 p.m. There is no outbound mail delivery on Saturday.
UPS – All UPS packages (prepaid and drop-offs) originating at IPC depart the island via the Bald Head Island Limited warehouse truck on the barge. The exact timing of departure depends entirely on the warehouse truck schedule and barge schedule. These packages must be transported via the barge and cannot be transported on the passenger ferry. Every effort is made to have these packages sent off the island as quickly as possible. Once the packages arrive at the Deep Point warehouse, they will be picked up by the next UPS delivery truck which is generally the next business day.
FedEx – The IPC does not offer FedEx shipping services; however, they do accept prepaid FedEx drop-offs. All pre-paid FedEx drop-off packages depart the island via the Bald Head Island Limited warehouse truck and then the barge. The exact timing of departure depends entirely on the warehouse truck schedule and barge schedule. These packages must be transported via the barge and cannot be transported on the passenger ferry. Every effort is made to have these packages sent off the island as quickly as possible. Once the packages arrive at the Deep Point warehouse, they will be picked up by the next FedEx delivery truck which is generally the next business day.
- Send your items as soon as possible and give everything an extra day or two when you are sending them from the island.
- If you are ordering food to be delivered to the island for the holidays give it a few extra days delivery time.
- Select a durable box to protect contents.
- Properly address packages – include both “to” and “from” information on only one side of the box.
- Print addresses clearly – add all address elements including apartment numbers and directional information.
- Never guess a zipcode – you can look up a zip code easily at No zip is better than a wrong zip.
- Place a card inside with the delivery and return address in case the label becomes damaged or falls off.
Incoming Package Arrival:
If you need your packages to arrive to your island residence on time, make sure you give them plenty of time to make it here for your special occasion. Based on last year, it is important to have food ordered in a timely manner for arrival one week in advance. Shipping times have been slower for some carriers and vendors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Always remember that if you receive a message from a vendor or carrier that your package has arrived, that it has most likely arrived in Southport at either the post office or the BHI Transportation Warehouse at Deep Point.
The timing of the package’s arrival depends on the carrier. Review the estimated arrival times by carrier below.
U.S. Postal Service – For USPS packages typically add 1-2 days from the time your package has arrived in Southport before it can be picked up at IPC.
UPS – For UPS packages typically add 1-2 days from the time your package has arrived in Southport before it can be picked up at IPC.
FedEx – For Fed Ex packages typically add 2-3 days from the time your package arrived in Southport before it can be picked up at IPC.
The information above is typically valid for “normal” operating conditions. Further delays may occur when the barge does not run due to weather conditions, maintenance situations, or heavy volume on the barge. For more detailed information about incoming packages view our guide HERE.
The Island Package Center and Post Office expects to be open later than normal hours the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to meet the needs of our customers who will be arriving for the holiday.
- CRS Rating – Last month the Village announced that that Village received a Class 7 CRS classification. This means that Federal flood insurance policyholders on BHI are eligible for a 5-15 percent discount on their NFIP premiums. Follow-up with your insurance agent to make sure that the discount has been applied.
- Veteran’s Day – Village offices will be closed on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, in observance of Veteran’s Day.
- Drone Flying – The Conservancy’s project to map beach vitex will continue through the fall and should wrap-up before the holidays. More information HERE.
COVID-19 Update
Current Case Numbers for Brunswick County – As of October 27, 2020, there are 2,191 positive cases of COVID-19 among Brunswick County residents. Of the positive cases, 1,706 are considered recovered, 426 are isolating at home, 14 are isolating at a hospital, and 45 are deaths associated to COVID-19.
There are 17 cases involving non-residents who tested positive for COVID-19 while visiting Brunswick County, resulting in their contacts having to quarantine as well; these cases are not reflected in the County’s total case counts. Twelve of the cases are considered recovered, none of the cases are currently isolating at home. The County has transferred monitoring for three cases to the individuals’ home counties, and two are deaths associated to COVID-19.

NC could be in Phase 3 until November 13, 2020 – North Carolina transitioned into Phase 3 on Friday, October 2, 2020, and was expected to be in this phase until at least October 23, 2020. On October 21st, Governor Cooper issued an executive order “pausing” the state in Phase 3 until at least November 13, 2020 (unless he repeals, replaces, or rescinds his executive order by another executive order).
Under this phase, vulnerable populations are still encouraged to stay at home. There were no changes in restrictions and per the Governor’s first Phase 3 Executive Order, most folks still must wear face coverings/masks in indoor and outdoor public places where social distancing is not possible. FAQ’s about the first Phase 3 Executive Order can be found HERE.
The Village strongly recommends that folks continue to practice the 3 W’s while in public and to be courteous to others.