In this issue:
- Recap of the Village Council Annual Retreat.
- Recap of February Village Council regular meeting. To include updates on public safety apparatus and Verizon cell service.
- Recap of Project Longevity/Community Care community meeting and health fair.
Reminders & Events:
- Golf cart registration renewals were due on January 1, 2024.
- BHI Transportation will no longer take old paper tickets effective April 1, 2024.
- The next regular Village Council meeting is on Friday, March 15, 2024.
Village Council Annual Retreat
Day one of the Village Council Annual Retreat consisted of the following:
- A presentation from the Bald Head Island Conservancy on the Conservancy’s environmental services contract with the Village. View the video of the presentation HERE and the slides HERE.
- A shoreline management update from the Village’s coastal engineer which included an overview of the Village’s shoreline protection program and future considerations. View the video of the presentation HERE and the slides HERE.
- A presentation from the Village’s governmental affairs consultants on the various advocacy efforts they have been working on for the Village. View the video of the presentation HERE and the slides HERE.
- A discussion with Carrie Moffett, Executive Director of the Bald Head Association (BHA) Ms. Moffett gave an update on what the BHA expects to be focusing on this year and there was discussion on how the Village and the BHA can work together. Listen to the audio HERE.
- A discussion with Chad Paul, CEO of BHI Limited, LLC. Mr. Paul reported on the actions that Limited is planning to take regarding the properties it owns on the island and gave a few updates on the barge and ferry service. Listen to the audio HERE.
- A presentation from Chris Webb, Executive Director of Old Baldy Foundation on the restoration project and the campus expansion. View the video of the presentation HERE and the slides HERE
- A presentation from WithersRavenel on the Village’s asset inventory assessment (AIA) program and funding opportunities once the Village has an asset management plan in place. View the video of the presentation HERE and the slides HERE
- An update on the Village’s wastewater treatment plant expansion project from Tony Boahn, P.E., from McKim & Creed. Estimated construction costs, project timeline, and recommended next steps were discussed. View the video of the presentation HERE and the slides HERE.
- A discussion with David Sawyer, CEO of the BHI Club. Mr. Sawyer updated the Council on the Shoals Club sandbag revetment and several construction projects at the Club. Listen to the audio HERE.
- A presentation from Jonathan Peele of Coastline Insurance Associates on insurance issues to include the proposed increase of insurance rates and market availability. View the video of the presentation HERE and the slides HERE.
- The Village Council discussed the Village’s comprehensive long-range planning and review of Vision 2025 (completed in December 2017). Listen to the audio HERE.
Day two of the Village Council Annual Retreat consisted of the following:
- A presentation from the Village’s Human Resources Director, Judy Schofield, on Village staffing, accomplishments made over the last year, and future goals. View the video of the presentation HERE and the slides HERE.
- A presentation from the Village’s Public Safety Chief, Joshua Gibson, on upcoming projects for FY25. View the video of the presentation HERE and the slides HERE.
- A presentation from the Village’s Public Services Director, JP McCann on public works and utilities activities for the year and future planning efforts. View the video of the presentation HERE and the slides HERE.
- A presentation from the Village’s Finance Director on the FY25 budget, an update on the financial model, potential, and proposed updates to the Village’s financial policies. View the video of the presentation HERE and the slides HERE.
- The Village Council discussed its priorities for FY24-25 considering all the information that was presented. The wastewater treatment plant expansion and finding funding for this project and others were high on the list. Listen to the audio HERE.
A more detailed recap of the annual retreat can be viewed HERE. All videos/audio have been compiled into a YouTube playlist which can be found HERE.
Village Council Regular Meeting
The Village Council conducted its regular meeting on Wednesday, February 7, at 1:30 p.m. Here is a summary of the information shared and the actions that were taken at this meeting:
Mayor Quinn opened the meeting by reading the following statement regarding Black History Month:
In 1976, President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month. Ford called upon the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.” Bald Head Island occupies the unique position as a form key fort for both the American Revolution and as a linchpin for the Confederacy during the Civil War, whose fortifications were built by enslaved labor. This unique history means it is especially important for the island, its government, and its population to not only acknowledge this history but also to reaffirm its commitment to acknowledging the unvarnished history of the island. Accordingly, North Carolina, in particular, was the site of key Civil Rights events such as the Greensboro Sit-Ins. Building off this commitment to recognizing this history, the island can affirm its values toward recognizing the accomplishments of Black Americans throughout history.
Under public comment, the Village Council received comments from Gayle Sanders and Elizabeth Hervey Stephen. Ms. Sanders made comments in reference to the Village balancing the community’s need for amenities, maintaining infrastructure, and preserving the environment. Ms. Stephen presented Mayor Quinn with a certificate of appreciation on behalf of Monarch Watch for the creation and maintenance of a monarch waystation. The monarch waystation is located at Marina Park, the pollinator garden. More information about monarch waystations is HERE.
The Village Council unanimously approved the consent agenda. It included the regular meeting minutes from December 15, 2023, a proclamation of commendation and appreciation for Gilbert “Scott” Anderson, a resolution awarding Gilbert “Scott” Anderson his badge and service sidearm, a proclamation recognizing February 2024 as Black History Month in the Village of BHI, and approval of the amendment to the code of ordinances official’s page.
Under old business, the Village Council received a presentation from the NC Department of Transportation on the Brunswick County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP). The Village Council opted to postpone adoption to its next regular meeting (March 15, 2024). Mr. McCall gave an update on the beach nourishment bond referendum. He indicated that relative to the project itself, the latest information was relayed in Mr. Olsen’s report during day one of the retreat (HERE). He added that if the bond referendum passes, there will be some follow-up actions that need to be completed to include the approval process through the Local Government Commission (LGC). The results of the referendum will need to be certified and a special meeting will need to be called. He announced that the Village has answered all the questions received regarding the bond referendum (Q&As HERE) and that the Bald Head Association will be hosting an information session on February 15 and has invited the Village to provide another presentation to share details relevant to the project’s purpose, need, need and scope to include the funding of the project through GO bonds. The Village Council unanimously adopted an amended resolution declaring intent to close a portion of the right-of-way on Federal Road adjacent to Thad Wester Circle at the BHI Conservancy campus. A public hearing on the closure is scheduled for March 15, 2024, per the amended resolution.
Under new business, the Village Council unanimously adopted an amendment to the Village of Bald Head Island Council Rules of Procedure. The Council also unanimously adopted a resolution approving installment financing of public safety ambulance #2. The Council was presented with several financial policies (general fund-fund balance, debt management, investments, travel). The Village Council opted to postpone the adoption of the policies until the next regular meeting (March 15, 2024). The Village Council then unanimously adopted a grant project ordinance for public safety equipment (VIPER communications). Consideration was made to adopt a resolution amending the Village employee personnel policy, Council tabled action on this item.
Below are a few items shared in the Manager’s Report:
Stephen Boyett, Development Services Director, presented the monthly departmental statistics (HERE & HERE). He reported that the Commercial Review Board (CRB) had its organizational meeting. He said that he had received a preliminary sketch for a commercial property. Upon review, it needed a few changes. Once the full application is in, that will be the first to come through for the CRB.
Chief Gibson presented the monthly departmental statistics (HERE). He reported that this time of the year is slow for calls, and this is when they do a lot of their training. He updated the Council on the apparatus that has been ordered (photos/plans HERE). The delivery date for the ladder truck and engine is now October 2024. Ambulance number two should arrive in March.
JP McCann, Public Services Director, presented the monthly statistics for Public Services. He was asked about the sign replacement project and reported that the project is about 33% complete. They are making the signs in between routine seasonal work and other priority tasks. All safety-oriented signs planned will be completed prior to the peak season.
Mr. Jae Kim, the Assistant Village Manager gave updates on the Island Package Center & Post Office (IPC/PO) and reported that the Commercial Review Board (CRB) will be meeting on February 15, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. to perform an in-depth review of the commercial design standards. View his full report HERE.
He announced that Zachary Hewett, Finance Director, was recognized by Brunswick County Chamber of Commerce and South Brunswick Magazine as one of Brunswick County’s “Future 10.” This is a select group of young professionals excelling in their respective fields and positively influencing the growth, prosperity, and quality of life in Brunswick County. Congratulations Zack! See page 47 & 54 HERE for more information.
Mr. McCall, the Village Manager reported that the engineers with the Verizon project management team have made the decision to prioritize relocating their existing equipment on the new cell tower from 75 feet to 138 feet. They still have some things to work out on the real estate side but given it’s an existing tower and they already have lease agreements in place, it should not be too time consuming.
He also reported that a permit request was submitted for a taxicab service. The new owners of Bald Head Island Deliveries are pursuing this service in addition to the grocery deliveries they already do. The Village ordinance states that the Village Manager shall approve no more than three taxicabs for any taxicab operator and not more than six taxicabs to operate within the Village, there are also some exceptions that could allow for backups. Staff are reviewing the application to make sure they are fully compliant with Village ordinances.
A full account of these meetings can be found in the minutes which are posted HERE. Typically, minutes are posted on the agenda of next month’s meeting (e.g. If you want to read the October meeting minutes, they can be found under the November regular meeting agenda).
Project Longevity/Community Care Community Meeting
Approximately 80 people attended the January 26, 2024, Project Longevity/Community Care Community meeting at the Department of Public Safety. During the presentation portion of the meeting attendees heard from representatives from Dosher Memorial Hospital, Lower Cape Fear Life Care, Brunswick County Senior Resources, We Help at Home, Community Care’s volunteer division, and representing the Village’s services, Village Manager, Chris McCall and Public Safety Chief, Joshua Gibson. During Gibson’s presentation, he announced that Paul Homick had accepted the Deputy Chief position for Fire and EMS. Homick officially started in this role on February 7, 2024. After the presentations, the presenters made themselves available to provide more information and answer questions at a health fair in the bays of the station. Village personnel were on hand to show attendees our safety apparatus and distribute information about the CodeRed, Vial of Life/File of Life, Knox Box, and beach wheelchair reservation programs (info HERE).
To view a recording of the presentations, the event program, and a full summary of the event go to the Aging in Place on BHI webpage HERE.
Golf Cart Registration Renewals
Golf cart registration renewals were due on January 1, 2024. If you have not yet registered your carts, please do so as soon as possible, you can do it online HERE. Please remember to include your insurance information, mailing address, and VIN. Entering “on file” or “same as last year” is not acceptable. Enforcement will not be in full effect until it is understood that all who have taken measures to register their vehicles have the new stickers.
If you have any specific questions about the annual registration process, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Elizabeth Gray, Administrative Assistant, at 910-457-5252 or by e-mail at
Old Paper Ticket Expiration
Please take note of this recent announcement from BHI Transportation, Inc.:
Bald Head Island Transportation will STOP accepting two-part (“old”) paper tickets after March 31, 2024. “Old” Bulk 40 tickets (only) may be exchanged for a coupon code through March 31, 2024.
Starting April 1, 2024, only QR-coded “new” tickets and transferred or newly issued passes will be valid for ferry boarding.
Click HERE for the announcement. Click HERE for BHI Transportation’s website.
Next Regular Council Meeting
The next regular Village Council Meeting is on Friday, March 15, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. The agenda will be posted HERE. Zoom information to listen in remotely can be found HERE.