- Recap of Village Council regular meeting.
- View the new FY25 budget webpage for updates on the budget process.
- The Cape Fear Memorial Bridge preservation project is on schedule.
- Wind energy project updates are available.
- Check your deck.
Reminders & Events:
- The Cape Fear Badwater race is this Saturday, March 23, 2024.
- Village offices will be closed on Friday, March 29, in observance of Good Friday. Expect traffic flow changes near the Village Chapel on Easter Sunday (March 31).
- BHI Transportation will no longer take old paper tickets effective April 1, 2024.
- The BHI Conservancy & BHA are hosting an Earth Day Pollinator Event on Friday, April 5, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Marina Park.
- The 3rd Annual Johnston Coastal Sustainability Symposium will take place on April 9, 2024.
- The next Duke Energy siren test is scheduled for Wednesday, April 10, 2024
- The next regular Village Council meeting is on Friday, April 19, 2024.
- Project Longevity/Community Care is having an event on advanced care planning on May 3, 2024.
- Wipes clog pipes! A reminder from Village Utilities.
Regular Council Meeting
The Village Council conducted its regular meeting on Friday, March 15, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Here is a summary of the information shared and the actions that were taken at this meeting:
Prior to public comment, Mayor Quinn announced that the Village was made aware of a letter from the NC Utilities Commission (NCUC) public staff recognizing the need for a public hearing on Bald Head Island Transportation, Inc.’s (BHIT) proposed revisions to the passenger ferry schedule. He said the Village will make sure that it does not miss out on the opportunity to provide input. He commented that this is the first meeting that the Village Council has had an opportunity to discuss BHIT’s request and has not taken a stance on it either way. He expressed appreciation for the comments that have been submitted.
Under public comment, the Village Council heard from the following:
John Fisher made comments on the judge’s ruling on the Right of First Refusal. He said it is apparent that the Village was overruled and said he wants the Village to move forward and work with the Transportation Authority, BHIT/Limited, and SharpVue for the greater good of the island.
Tippi Antalik made comments regarding tax increases, spending on lawyers and specialists, and matters that are discussed in closed session. She said there is a lot she does not know, and she wants this information published. She mentioned the work sessions the Council used to have which prepared meeting attendees for what actions would be taken. She requested that public comments be placed later on the agenda so that if items come up the public can ask questions.
Rob O’Connor, Niki Cutler, Lou Vaickus, Sheree Vaickus, Christina Cress, and Anita Pinther made comments in opposition to the proposed revisions to the passenger ferry schedule.
After hearing the public comments on the proposed revisions to the passenger ferry schedule, the Village Council discussed this topic. Mayor Quinn indicated that the Council read the comments on the NCUC website and reviewed the Bald Head Association’s survey and that the Council is not taking this issue lightly. Councilor Hill added that council members have been fact finding and meeting with island groups. She said that the Council has heard from a lot of people and wanted to be sure that it heard the best arguments that could be made. She then made a motion for the Village to become an intervener in the Sub 23 (NCUC Docket Number A-41 Sub 23). After further discussion regarding who would legally represent the Village in this matter, the Council voted unanimously to become an intervener. The Village’s position on the schedule change as it relates to prior proceedings before the commission was expressed in an announcement released yesterday (3/19). View it HERE.
The consent agenda passed unanimously. It included the approval of minutes from the February 6 & 7 Council retreat, the February 7, 2024, regular session and closed session, approval of the Earth Day 2024 proclamation, and approval of the Arbor Day 2024 proclamation. Mayor Quinn announced that several island entities are working together on Earth Day and Arbor Day celebrations.
The Village Council conducted a public hearing to close a portion of the right-of-way on Federal Road adjacent to Thad Wester Circle at the Bald Head Island Conservancy. Dr. Chris Shank from the Conservancy spoke about the purpose of the right-of-way closure. No other comments were made by the public. The Village Council unanimously adopted the resolution ordering the closure of a portion of Federal Road.
Under Old Business, the Village Council unanimously adopted a resolution adopting the Brunswick County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP), resolutions adopting financial policies for the General Fund – Fund Balance, Debt Management, Investments, and Travel, and a resolution amending the Village Employee Personnel Policy.
Mr. McCall, the Village Manager, gave an update on the beach nourishment bond referendum. He reported that the bond referenda passed with a majority vote and that the Village will be moving forward with the LGC (Local Government Commission) application. The Village will be having a special meeting on March 28, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. to certify the referenda results. The Village has received the Army Corps of Engineers companion permit to the one received from the NC Division of Coastal Management (the Village must get similar but separate permits from the Federal and State governments). The Village is still working on the permits for the replacement of the soft tube groin field, but Mr. McCall expects no challenges with getting those approved. He indicated that the coastal engineers are working on the design of the beach profile and will be surveying the beach to determine the fill template for the bid documents. The Village expects to award bids in the late fall or early winter.
Under New Business, the Village Council adopted a resolution authorizing electronic payments and deposits of $500 or greater, and a budget amendment to increase the general fund to take into account the commercial review board fees that are collected and spent on the implementation of the program.
Below are a few items shared in the Manager’s Report:
Stephen Boyett, Development Services Director, presented the monthly departmental statistics for January & February (HERE, HERE & HERE). He said that he has been receiving many questions about the commercial building that is being built across from the Department of Public Safety. He indicated that while it does not have to meet the new commercial design standards because it was permitted prior to its adoption, there will be many measures taken to improve the look of the building. He indicated that there will be screening to hide the mechanical, electrical, and hood system for the restaurant. He said there would be screening of the dumpster and more vegetation coming in to screen the building from the street. The Village will still have some say in how it will look before everything is final.

Chief Gibson presented the monthly statistics for January and February for Public Services. He explained that January and February are usually slow months for the department, and they take this time to do in-house training. He said for the month of March they are already experiencing an uptick in calls.
The ladder truck and engine are currently on schedule for an October delivery date. He reported that Ambulance #2 arrived on Thursday, 3/14. The other ambulance is still awaiting the assignment of a chassis. The department is also going to have the two new pickup trucks on the road in the next two or three weeks.
The deputy chief position should be filled around April 17th. The department continues to make contacts with folks interested in the public safety officer positions. All staff received training on the new First Due software. Rollout of the software, including the Community Connect component, is expected to take place at the end of this month.
Mayor Quinn asked about the no-wake zone in the creeks. Cape Creek is not enforced by the Village because it does not fall under the local act that was passed to grant the Village enforcement authority. However, Bald Head Creek can be enforced by the Village. Chief Gibson indicated that Public Safety will be patrolling the creek during peak times. The patrol boat is marked and has a light bar, so it stands out as a law enforcement vessel and is a suitable deterrent. It is currently moored at the new Marina Park dock. He said hopefully after issuing a few citations early in the peak season, word will spread that the creek ordinance is being enforced and boaters will slow down in the creek.

JP McCann, Public Services Director, presented the monthly statistics for January and February for Public Services. He reported that the no wake zone signs are ready for installation once the pilings are installed. He listed several updates that will be made to the Contractor Services yard, these are broken down by fiscal year. Some of the updates will be part of the budget requests for FY25.
There was a discussion on the maintenance of the vegetation in the medians and right-of-way. Manager McCall indicated that Public Works will be creating a draft SOP (standard operating procedure) for this maintenance that sets forth guidance and what is expected moving forward so there is no question about what is done and how this maintenance is performed. Council will review this SOP before it is finalized.
Mr. McCall, the Village Manager gave an update on the upcoming trip to Washington, D.C. where he, Mayor Quinn, Mayor Pro Tem Gardner, and Assistant Manager Kim will be meeting with the delegation and legislative office staff to discuss the Village’s legislative goals. They will also be meeting with Army Corps Engineers to discuss the sand management plan, the memorandum of agreements, and the Frying Pan Shoals borrow site permitting effort. Village officials also plan to meet next month with Senator Rabon and Representative Miller to discuss state initiatives (ex. hardened structures bill). Mr. McCall reported that he has heard from the lead engineer with Verizon and that the cell tower owner has confirmed that the construction drawings are being ordered with an estimated completion of the project in Quarter 3 of this year. Staff from the Village, Bald Head Association, and the Recreation, Conservation & Beautification Committee (RCB) met to discuss educational signage at Marina Park for the pollinator garden and the oyster reef. There was also discussion about recreation amenities for children and teens, and the replacement of the old fire sign with a proper welcome sign. The Council discussed the welcome sign and staff will get some cost estimates for the FY25 budget. For details from Mr. McCall’s report in his memo HERE.
Mr. Jae Kim, the Assistant Village Manager gave updates on the Island Package Center & Post Office (IPC/PO), updates on shoreline protection to include the NCBIWA conference, the marina channel entrance dredging beginning in 3-4 weeks, and the $4.5M Federal funding request getting approved in the minibus bill. He also provided updates on the AIA grant, and confirmed that the Village is now eligible to receive a $350,000 Local Assistance for Stormwater Infrastructure Investments (LASII) grant. He indicated that a firm was selected for the Unified Development Ordinance project. He also reported that the Commercial Review Board now has a regular meeting schedule and received its first preliminary application. For details from Mr. Kim’s report view his memo HERE.
A full account of these meetings can be found in the minutes which are posted HERE. Typically, minutes are posted with the agenda of next month’s meeting (e.g. If you want to read the November meeting minutes, they can be found under the December regular meeting agenda).
FY25 Budget Webpage
This year the Village will assist taxpayers in keeping up with the budget process by placing all the meeting/workshop information, documents, and resources in one place. Our “Annual Budget” webpage can be found HERE. Taxpayers will have access to the budget schedule, video of the budget workshop(s), presentation slides, meeting minutes, and any additional information produced as part of the Council’s deliberation on the FY25 budget. Taxpayers are encouraged to submit questions and comments.
Cape Fear Memorial Bridge Preservation Project Update
Last week, the NCDOT announced that the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge preservation project is running on schedule. The eastbound lanes of the bridge are expected to remain closed until March 31, 2024, when they are expected to open for the Azalea Festival, to have all lanes in and out of the city of Wilmington open for the event. Then the westbound lanes are due to close starting April 8, 2024. More details about this project can be found HERE.
Wind Energy Project Updates Available
Although progress on this project is slow, the Village wants Islanders to know that there is a webpage (HERE) for this project. The state’s task force, NC TOWERS (Taskforce for Offshore Wind Economic Resource Strategies) produces a monthly newsletter with updates. Links to these are posted to the webpage along with any other project updates that the Village receives.
During their upcoming visit to Washington, D.C., Village officials intend to request our delegation’s support for policies to maintain and increase transparency and public input for offshore wind energy and related projects. Below is a summary of the Village’s position:
The Village is concerned that the lack of consideration of those most impacted by proposed wind projects will adversely affect not only the view from the Village’s idyllic beaches but also the environment and habitat, such as those of seabirds.
Further, the proposed developments will adversely impact ocean traffic, such as barges and ferries, that the Village relies on for a connection to the U.S. mainland. Commercial and recreational fishing opportunities may also be impacted by significant offshore development due to interruptions in fish and other wildlife behavior.
The Village remains supportive of renewable energy development but also strongly supports accountability and solutions that implement the least intrusive measures possible.
Check Your Deck
The corrosive nature of the coastal environment can take a heavy toll on wood and fasteners, and it is important to routinely inspect the condition of your property and take any necessary corrective action. Now is a good time to do it so you can get it ready for summer. There are many licensed general contractors and home inspectors who would be happy to assist.
In accordance with North Carolina law, the Village inspects any new construction and significant repairs or renovations at the time the work is completed but does not engage in routine, periodic inspections. This responsibility ultimately falls on the property owner, although the Village’s building inspector will inspect any property for which a specific complaint is received. To assist our property owners, Village staff has prepared a simple, helpful Citizen’s Guide to Deck Safety. This flyer includes a graphic illustrating typical deck construction along with illustrations of common problems and other helpful tips.
Additionally, it is important for everyone (property owners and visitors) to be mindful of the number of people gathered on a particular deck or section of the deck.
If you have questions or need additional information or assistance, please get in touch with the Village’s Development Services Administrator Stephen Boyett at (910) 457-9700 ext. 1004 or sboyett@villagebhi.org.
Cape Fear Badwater
The Cape Fear Badwater Ultra Running Race is scheduled for Saturday, March 23, 2024. This all-day race will take place on several Village wynds, and Public Safety will be providing traffic control for this event. Nearly 200 runners are expected to compete this year. Other activities for the participants will be taking place on the Island beginning Friday through Sunday. More information about the race can be found HERE.

Village Offices Closed
Village offices will be closed on Friday, March 29, 2024, in observance of Good Friday. The Island Package Center and Post Office will also be closed that Friday but will be open on Saturday, March 30 (10 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.).
Islanders should expect traffic pattern changes and/or road closures on Easter Sunday (March 31) near the vicinity of Lighthouse Wynd as we accommodate the estimated 800 folks who will be visiting the Village Chapel for the three services taking place that day.
BHI Transportation, Inc. has released its Easter weekend ferry schedule. You can view it HERE.
Old Paper Ticket Expiration
Please take note of this recent announcement from BHI Transportation, Inc.:
Bald Head Island Transportation will STOP accepting two-part (“old”) paper tickets after March 31, 2024. “Old” Bulk 40 tickets (only) may be exchanged for a coupon code through March 31, 2024.
Starting April 1, 2024, only QR-coded “new” tickets and transferred or newly issued passes will be valid for ferry boarding.
Click HERE for the announcement. Click HERE for BHI Transportation’s website.
BHI Earth Day Pollinator Event
The BHI Conservancy and Bald Head Association are hosting an inaugural Earth Day event on April 5, 2024. This year’s theme is pollinators.
There will be a native plant sale, a farmer’s market, and fun activities for the whole family. The NC Wildlife Federation, Bee City USA, Old Baldy, the BHI Garden Club, and others will be sharing the importance of pollinators on Bald Head Island, and how you can create a habitat for them in your own backyard.
Explore the new pollinator garden and complete the BHI Conservancy’s colors-in-nature Bioblitz activity! You’ll learn how to use iNaturalist, a community science app, to make wildlife.
This event satisfies our community’s commitment as a Bee City USA affiliate to host pollinator awareness events. To learn more about Bee City USA, check out our webpage HERE.
3rd Annual Johnston Coastal Sustainability Symposium
Join the BHI Conservancy on Tuesday, April 9, 2024. This year’s session will feature guest speakers and round table discussion on pressing concerns for Bald Head Island’s next 40 years, including Frying Pan Shoals, development, and maritime forest protection.
Attendees will also enjoy a special presentation from Johnston Graduate Fellow in Coastal Sustainability Kimmy Hansen from UNC-Chapel Hill. Kimmy’s presentation, “Impact of Different Buildout Scenarios on BHI’s Maritime Forest,” will be followed by a round table discussion and public Q&A.
There is no cost to attend this morning session, but please register by emailing BHI Conservancy Executive Director Dr. Chris Shank (shank@bhic.org). Spaces are limited—please RSVP by April 5!

Siren Test
Duke Energy will be testing outdoor warning sirens around the Brunswick Nuclear Plant on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. The full-volume, 5-30-second test is scheduled between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. No public action is required. More info can be found HERE.
Next Regular Council Meeting
The next regular Village Council Meeting is scheduled for Friday, April 19, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. in the multi-purpose room in the Department of Public Safety (273 Edward Teach Ext.). The agenda will be posted HERE. Zoom information to listen-in remotely can be found HERE.
A special meeting of the Village Council will be taking place on March 28, 2024 (public notice). The purpose of the meeting is to certify the Certificate of Canvass of the Brunswick County Board of Elections for the $13.5M and $4.5M GO Bond Referendum Elections. If you would like to receive public notices for special meetings, public hearings, and other legal notices, please contact the Village Clerk (email). Use “Sunshine List” in the subject of the email.
Project Longevity/Community Care Event
The Project Longevity/Community Care team is back again with a special event. Jason Clamme from Lower Cape Fear Lifecare will be returning to the island. You may recall he was a presenter at their last meeting and discussed hospice care.
Jason will be back to ” Begin the Conversation” about:
- Understanding and defining healthcare choices
- Putting plans in writing
- Sharing decisions with family members and doctors
A notary will be available to assist with the preparation of your advance directives, so be sure to bring your ID.
If you would like to attend on May 3rd at 10 a.m. at the Public Safety Building on Edward Teach, please email Joan Maggio (email) with the following information for each individual who will be attending:
- Your name
- Your email address
- Your telephone number
Seating will be limited, so please respond as soon as possible. If interest is great, a 1:30 p.m. presentation will be added.

Wipes Clog Pipes!
The Village Utilities department would like to remind Islanders to avoid flushing items that should not be flushed down the toilet, this includes wipes that are labeled “flushable.” These are not to be flushed no matter what the package says. Toilet paper is the only product designed to break down in a sewer system. When anything else is flushed – wipes, paper towels, adult diapers, gloves, sanitary products, etc. – it can combine with fats in the sewer system to make a nasty clump that blocks pipes. If the blockage is severe enough, it can lead to sewer overflows and expensive wear and tear on our infrastructure. Help our Village Utilities crews protect the Village’s wastewater system:
- Never flush products other than toilet paper.
- Keep fats, oils, and grease out of your kitchen sink (tips on that HERE).
- Report sewer emergencies by calling (910) 457-7350 or (910) 616-7716 (after hours).
Bald Head Association events can be found HERE.
Old Baldy Foundation events can be found HERE.
BHI Conservancy events can be found HERE.
Village Chapel events can be found HERE.
The Village calendar can be found HERE.